Letting go of Jake Remmings

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Title of book: Letting go of Jake Remmings

Author/Username: Thatonehotbitch

Category, Eg. Teenfiction/Romance/Mystery: Teenfiction

Story Tags:: Sad, Heartbreak, Abuse, Romance

Story Description:: Picture a girl with beautiful blonde cascading curls and eyes the color of the sky. You most likely thought of one of those girls in school that is mean and incredibly popular. Stereotypes don't do Kendall Remming's justice, however. Kendall, a beautiful blonde, was hated by almost everyone; except her brother. With her abusive mother and the many kids who bully her, she has no one but her brother. That is until one day he kills himself. Now Kendall is forced to move to a different state with her slutty disgrace of a father and go to a school which is far from friendly. Kendall Remmings is in dire need for someone to save her. ------------------------------------

Why People Should Check Out Your Awesome Story?: I'm new to Wattpad and I feel my story isn't the usual cliche everyone has. It's unique and I feel some people can relate to it because it has some relatable traits about it--parent divorce, abuse, bullying, heartbreak, suicide.

Completed Or Uncompleted: Incomplete

Shout outs, Eg to editors,cover makers,Fans of the story: Isasecret for making my beautiful cover!

Date: 19th Novemeber 2012

A Lil Ending Message: My dream is to have one of my books/stories on the what's hot list, so commenting and reading would help me dearly! It makes me feel good about myself knowing some people actually enjoy my writing!

-Shared By Els-

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