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Title of book: Aviris

Author: sagecastillo

Category: Fantasy/Teen Fiction/Philippine Mythology

Story tags: singing philippine mythology mystery

Story Description: Lira is scared of singing. 

It's definitely not stage fright; she likes stage fright (long story). And she certainly has a great voice, enchanting even. It's just that she doesn't want to sing when somebody can hear her since... that night. 

But after Alicia, the youngest of seven, runs away from home because she freaked out when Alicia heard her, Lira would have to reconsider her singing phobia for her sister and join Stagefright - a TV singing contest somehow like Killer Karaoke, but scarier. 

But what if, after overcoming her singing phobia, she learns that she cannot sing anymore, or else her life's at stake? Will she keep her promise, or preserve her life? She'll take risks that will result to greater - either better or worse - things, and she will learn that nothing can last the same, forever. 

Why people should check out my awesome story: Because it’s fresh and exciting, a new way to look at Philippine mythology and Literature. Read it and try not to like it… 

Completed or Uncompleted: Uncompleted

A Lil Ending Message: To those who’ll be interested in reading my story, thank you in advance! I hope you stay tune until the end because this is a very awesome story.  Don’t worry; even though it’s about Philippine myth, the language is in English. Now, I dare you to read it and not ask what will happen next. ;) Don’t forget to vote and tell me what you think at the comments section! Thanks!

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