Paper Aeroplanes

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Title: Paper Aeroplanes

Author: liberateyourself

Category: teen fiction, romance, humour

Story Tags: Teen fiction, Romance, Humour, School, Funny, Drama,

Story description: For Adam, life's been easy…well, there is your typical ups and downs with school, family, friends and whatnot but it was normal…too normal for Adam that he was just simply, getting bored of his life. He was sick and tired of his life, he wanted to escape somewhere faraway - there just seemed to be nothing exciting going on in his life. Until, one day Carla Helga stepped into his school, she's quiet but seemed to brighten up Adam's life consistently which sparked him an interest in her, especially her obsession with paper aeroplanes.

Why people should check out my story?: well first of all, it's my first ever one i posted onto wattpad. i would love to gain a few readers who love it as much as i love writing it!

Completed or uncompleted: Uncompleted

Shoutouts: shoutout to@paintedwings - she made the cover

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