The Rigors of Being The Best Friend

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Title: The Rigors of Being The Best Friend

Author: worldclasspinay

Category: Teen Fiction, Chick Lit

Story Tags: bestfrriend, chalene, charm, duarte, gin, love, rigors, tanner, walter, walton, worldclasspinay

Summary: Sixteen year-old Chalene Kingsley fell for her best friend, Walter Levesque. But then a new girl comes along, captures Walter's undivided attention, and brings trouble to her. After years of being a normal teenager, she's now back in town. And one guy in particular from her inevitable past reappeared, along with the billion dollar question: where does her heart truly lie?


Why people should check out your awesome story?: Even though my story is a cliche one and stuff. I have a unique way of interpreting this story. And, it's simply awesome :)

Completed or uncompleted?: Uncomplete

Shoutouts: I wanna thank my non-existent lovelife for inspiring me to write this story, also my friends and family :) And to my boy best friend, who is still oblivious to my feelings, for always making me happy =))

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