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Inami woke up first for once. She yawned and stretched her arms out. She winced at the sun light. "Tsk..." She grabbed her mask and put it back on before leaving Kaneki alone. "Oh, Ina~" A voice cooed as she was walking in the hallway. "It's unusual to see you walking around at this time of day~" Eto said as she was skipping down the hallway. "...." Eto grabbed Inami's hand and pulled her along. "I have some information for you." Eto dragged her into her room. She found a picture of a really buff man. "This is Sachi Kamishiro. I'm sending you, Kaneki, and Ayato to go retrieve him for us." Inami nodded. "Hehe~ just warning you..it won't be easy. The rest of Aogiri will take care of everyone else."

Inami grabbed the picture and placed it in her pocket. "..." Eto placed her hand on Inami's face. "So pretty~ you and I are the same~ we hide our true selves behind a mask." Eto smirked and slapped her across the face and pulled her hair so Inami would be closer to her face. "Talk to that human girl again and I'll clip your wings~" Inami slowly nodded. "Good~ Now go." Inami bowed a little before leaving. Kaneki was already awake and started making coffee. Inami sat at the table in the kitchen. She had her head down. "Inami? Do you want a cup?" She nodded.

Kaneki poured her a mug and handed it to her. "This will be our first mission together." Inami pulled the picture out of her pocket. "Capture..." Kaneki looked at the picture. "Sachi..Kamishiro?! Is he in any type of relationship with Rize Kamishiro?!" Inami shrugged. "I..don't know." Kaneki sighed. "Hmm...Anyways..so we're supposed to bring him back like Naki?" Inami nodded. Ayato walked in. "Speaking of Naki, Eyepatch it's your turn!" Kaneki sighed and took a sip of his coffee. Inami took her coffee with her. She gave Ayato the picture and left with Kaneki. Kaneki and Inami went below the building where Tatara held Naki. Once they got there, Naki was bawling his eyes out. "No! Boss Yamori! You can't be dead! I need to see you name one last time!!" Naki grabbed chalk and tried to write Yamori's name down. "Wait..is it like this? Or..??" Inami gave her coffee to Kaneki. He took a quick sip and gave it back. He grabbed the black chalk and wrote his name the right way. "Is that how you spell it?" "...Yeah.."

Naki cried more. "Oh Boss! Who could have killed you?" Kaneki sighed and got up. "Hey you! Your a really good guy! Thanks man!" Kaneki was shocked. "...." Inami stared at Kaneki. Once they left them, they went back up the stairs. Inami placed her arm on the wall and stopped Kaneki once they were fully alone. "What's wrong?" Kaneki asked. "It was you...You killed Yamori." Kaneki sighed. "Yes..I did." Inami leaned against the wall. "Tell me." Kaneki scratched his head. "Yamori tortured me for 10 days. He cut my toes and fingers off and made me count down from increments of 7 from 1000. He also put a centipede in my ear..it burrowed in my head, but after I changed.." Inami finished his sentence. "You don't feel pain?" Kaneki shook his head. "It's not that I don't feel the pain..it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore." Inami nodded. "I see...." Inami said heading up the stairs.

Kaneki stared and smiled. "Heh.." They all piled up in stolen cars. Inami glared at the sun light and hurried into the car. Kaneki got in the same one as her and they sat in the back. "It will take a while before Aogiri makes it to Cochlea." Inami nodded and looked down. "What's the matter? " She shook her head. Kaneki sighed. "It's alright." Inami looked at Kaneki from the corner of her eye. Hours past and it was now noon. The sky grew dark with rain clouds. Kaneki and Inami stood on the top of a gate that surrounded Cochlea. "Let's go." Inami said jumping down from the gate and into the prison grounds. "Right..." Kaneki answered and followed her.

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