Chapter 80

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A month plus later.....

The boys have gone on tour in the states again and I have moved out of Olivia's and properly moved into my penthouse. Padge and the boys have being gone over 4 weeks and they were still going to be gone for another 3 weeks. Olivia and Stephi have gone to the states too and Charlotte is busy with her work.

I miss Padge like crazy, especially his hugs. I decided to take Ozzy and Morticia for a spin in car and bring them both for a walk around Hyde park. When I get there, I lock the door of car and put my headphones in and took my small bag that goes over my shoulder and I start walking.

After a little while, the dogs finally done their business and when I bent down to pick it up, I felt a bit sick and I was starting to feel like I was gonna throw up. Soon enough, I ran for a bush and I puked my heart and soul up. I was a little mortified because people are staring at me, so I hurried up back to the car and make my way back home.

I barely got into the apartment and I puked again in my bathroom. Once I finished, I go lie in bed for a while. I was asleep in no time and then I was woken up by my phone ringing. It was Padge video calling me.

Poppy: Hey Babe

Padge: Fuck what's wrong Babe?

Poppy: Not feeling the best, I'm after being sick in a bush in Hyde park while walking dogs and again when I got in the door.

Padge: Shit, did you go to doctors?

Poppy: No not yet, was hoping to just sleep it off

Padge: OK babes, well do go if Ur still feeling crap later

Poppy: I will babes, how's Liv n Stephi?

Padge: They good hun

Poppy: Miss them like crazy

Padge: Awww how's Charlotte?

Poppy: I dunno, she busy with work, I haven't seen her in ages

Padge: Why don't you come out to us?

Poppy: I might, but I see how I feel after tonight

Padge: OK babes, well if not, we have 3 weeks before we see each other again.

Poppy: I know, it kinda sucks, I miss you like crazy

Padge: Miss you too wifey

Just then I jolted up and Padge looked worried....

Padge: Babe U OK?

Poppy: I'm gonna b sick again, I'm sorry

I ran for the bathroom, leaving my phone down on floor away in distance so he doesn't see me getting ill. After a few minutes, I stopped getting sick and I reach for my phone and Padge looked even more worried.

Padge: Babe, that didn't sound good, you definitely need to go doctor now

Poppy: Yeah OK Babe, I go now

Padge: OK Babe, let me know how you get on, I gotta go, have rehearsals and having bite to eat

Poppy: Ok my sexy hubby

Padge: I love you so much babes

Poppy: Love you too, hugs and kisses to everyone

Padge: I will ring after the gig and see how you are, OK?

Poppy: OK babes, talk soon

So I blow Padge and kiss and I hang up, I ring my doctor, Dr Burke' and book an appointment and she can see me in an hour so I go have a quick shower and then get dressed and head off to the doctor. I was seeing pretty fast.

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