Chapter 22

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While in the hotel bar, myself and Olivia sat together by ourselves and took out our laptops and emailed Dougie our pictures we bad taken tonight, before we got too drunk to do anything. We took pride in the photos that we took and Dougie would have hundreds to choose from between us for next months Metal Hammer.

Finally we got up and joined the guys and started drinking. Whiskey was our poison yet again.

Zacky: Finally Ye join us

Poppy: Sorry we were still in work mode, we emailing our boss our work

Zacky: Good thinking, you won't have to do it hungover tomorrow

Poppy: Yes that was our logic

Zoltan: Whiskey girls?

Poppy: Hell yes

Jason: That's the spirit, shitfaced with the girls for the last time

Brian: Awww, wish we can bring our little mascots with us for rest of tour

David: We can meet them anytime we in London

Olivia: Ofc Ye can

David: Sweet

Zacky: Who's going for a ciggie?

Johnny: Me

Poppy: Yep me too

Ivan: Yep me too

David: And me

Matt: Me too

Brian: Wait for me fuckers

So we all headed out to the back of the hotel by carpark for our cigarettes, We smoke them quickly and return to our Whiskey. When we did return, there was more Jack and Jameson on the table, so we downed it all before being told the bar was closed. So at 4am we all headed up to our rooms. Thankfully we all went to our own rooms and no mischief was had. Morticia was asleep on my bed. I just crashed beside her while still in same outfit and makeup on.

The next morning...
I woke up at 9:30 am to the sound of the maids next door or in the hall hoovering. The sound was going through my head. I managed to get up and go in for a shower to freshen up. I felt much better now that I didn't feel like shit or look like Alice Cooper on crack. I got dressed into Capri black leggings, pair of slip on shoes and another one of Padge's Zombie Crew t-shirts. I put my make-up on and went with heavy eyeliner and alot of foundation to cover up my tired face. I then fed Morticia and then took her for a little walk.

When I returned, Olivia was up and showered too so we decided to go get some breakfast. We were so hungry, we both had a full Irish, toast, tea, orange juice, and some fruit. We even went up for seconds of eggs, bacon, sausages and toast. When we finished we went up to pay and then headed for the lifts. Zoltan, Ivan, Jason,Chris and Jeremy were getting off the lift and heading for their breakfast. Ivan asked if I wanted a smoke first so I went out with him while Olivia went back to the room.

Ivan: Ye must of been being up early?

Poppy: I woke up at 9:30 this morning, heard the flipping maids hoovering either next door or out in the hall

Ivan: Jesus, how was head?

Poppy: Put it like this, I felt like I was ran over by a truck and looked like Alice Cooper on crack

Ivan: Ha-ha brilliant description

Poppy: Ye coming in my car back to ferry?

Ivan: Yeah if that's OK?

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