Chapter 29

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Padge's P.O.V

I know its early days, but I am well chuffed Poppy is pregnant. I have always wanted to be a father, I realised though that with everything going on the past few weeks, Poppy didn't really know anything about myself apart from being in Bullet and Co owning Zombie Crew Clothing.

Padge: Babe, shall we go upstairs, I need to talk to you about something

Poppy: Oh ok Babe

So we made our excuses to the others and I hold Poppy's hand as we go to the elevator.
Poppy looked worried with what I wanted to talk to her and then she looked at me and asked me a question.

Poppy: Babe, your not gonna break up with me are you? Cos if you are, then please do it now as I can't bare this suspence.

Padge: No Babe, I'm not gonna leave you, I just wanna talk in private is all

Poppy: Oh ok then

So I hold onto Poppy tight as we enter the elevator and remain holding onto her until we go into our room and I walk her over to our bed and sit her down.

Padge: Right here goes, I just wanna say I'm actually happy you are pregnant with my child as I always wanted to be a father, but I realise after the last few weeks, with everything going on, you really don't know about myself only about being in Bullet and Co owner of Zombie Crew.

Poppy: I never even thought of that, so you want to tell me about your life before the baby comes?

Padge: Kinda Yeah and why I'm so happy you are expecting our baby

Poppy: OK

Padge: You see before I met you, I was in a long-term relationship with my ex Caroline and I was happy with her, we lived together, had a cat, but then I found out she didn't wanna have kids and I did, so she left me.

Poppy: Jesus Babe, why didn't you say before?

Padge: I dunno, I guess I didn't think it was relevant till now

Poppy: Oh ok so she just upped and left?

Padge: Yeah we had a massive fight because she called me selfish for wanting her to have my child and she didn't so she waited one night till I was asleep and left, took the cat with her.

Poppy: Please say she left you a note at least!

Padge: Yeah but all it said was "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore, I hope you can find peace and someone else to have the life you want".

Poppy: At least was something,

Padge: Yeah

Poppy: When was this?

Padge: About 1year ago

Poppy: I'm not a rebound am I?

Padge: No! That's another thing I wanted to talk to you about!

Poppy: OK go on!

Padge: U know how the boys keep saying to you that they are glad that I have you because they never seen me this happy in a long time.

Poppy: Yeah Babe.

Padge: Well they mean it, cos when Caroline left me, I kinda went off the rails a bit

Poppy: How so?

Padge: I went into self destruct mode babes, I was drinking way harder than I normally do, I was taking drugs, slept with different fans every city we went to. I was so self destructive that the boys all nearly gave up on me. I nearly lost the band completely

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