Chapter 55

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So we go inside the cinema and I order and pay for 6 tickets for Hangover 3 and a large popcorn and 2 medium cokes for each couple, I pick seats nearest to the back.

Moose: Pops that's not fair you paid for all of us

Matt: Yeah agree

Poppy: My idea for cinema so I paid so shup

Padge: You tell them babes

Moose: Still not fair, tomorrow we doing something and we paying

Poppy: Didn't ye guys pay for chinese?

Moose: No Padge insisted, he wouldn't let us pay

Padge: Stop arguing about money, and enjoy the gesture, no need for paybacks

Poppy: Haha, Padge has put his foot down

Matt: He always has the last word haha

So I sighed when I found out we had to go up the stairs for the film, Padge asked if I wanted to take the lift instead of stairs but I said no it's fine, these heels were no fun for stairs, but Padge held onto my hand going up, Moose took Padge's drink while I held onto my drink with my free hand and Padge held onto the popcorn with his other free hand, we go up to our seats and I sit on very inside, with Padge next to me then Matt and Charlotte and Moose and Stephi. Film started few minutes later and Padge was making sure I was ok throughout the movie, once popcorn was finished I lay my head on Padge's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me very protectively aswell as kisses my head. The movie was over in no time, we got a few laughs from it but it wasn't the best movie if we were all honest. I needed the bathroom after all the coke so myself and Stephi and Charlotte headed in while the boys went to men's toilet. When I was finished in bathroom, I redid some of my makeup as my eyeliner went down my face from laughing at movie, Stephi and Charlotte done the same and then we all met up with the boys again in the lobby, Padge wraps his arm around my neck as we walk down the stairs again. We headed for the car.

Poppy: So where ye guys wanna go now?

Charlotte: How about the Crowbar?

Poppy: Yeah that's not far from here, if ye wanna go there?

Matt: We give it a shot sure

Moose: Never being, any good Pops?

Poppy: Haven't being in ages but I hear it's nice since they done it up

Padge: Sold so, let's go there if you don't mind babes

Poppy: Not at all, just don't let me have to carry ye all back to the car

Charlotte: Don't worry hun, I have your back, I don't plan on drinking too much as I will have to get up with Evann in the morning

Poppy: Thank you

So I start the engine and I drive the 10 minutes to Camden Road to The Crowbar, when we get there it looks like there is an event on with a red carpet. We went to turn back to the car and that's when Matt was shouted at. Holy fuck it was Dave Grohl.

Dave: Matt where ye going? Not coming in?

Matt: We didn't know there was an event on so we went to go somewhere else

Dave: Nonsence come on in as my guests

Matt: What's going on?

Dave: I'm promoting my Sound City Documentry (I know this is later in the story but was early 2013 but fuck it)

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