Chapter 42

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We get back to Oliva's house and everyone had the house spotless again, all the beds were re-made, the air mattress's were sunk down and put away and all the beer bottles were packed up in a box ready to recycle. They have being pretty busy and I felt awful that they had to do by themselves. I started to feel pain again so I took another 2 tablets and told Padge I was gonna lie down on my bed for a little while. He took me upstairs after taking my tablets and he helped me get out of my jeggings and into a pair of my pj bottoms. As soon as I was comfortable in bed, he left me be to try sleep for few hours, Morticia kept me company.

Padge's P.O.V

I was starting to get worried now, cos Poppy was in pain and I was stating to think weather going to Greece was a good idea. I went outside with the others for a smoke and a chat and I had to tell them my plans to propose to Poppy, Moose already knew but that was it.

Padge: Hey guys I need to tell ye all something, while ye are here, Moose you already know but the others need to know

Matt: What is it?

Padge: I'm gonna ask Poppy to marry me

Charlotte: Oh my god Padge wow

Olivia: Yay

Matt: When did you decide this? I know you were thinking about it but you decided to leave it off few months!

Padge: Everything was put into perspective once Poppy was shot, I thought I lost her, it made me realise how much I love her and I don't ever wanna lose her so yeah my mind is made up, I ordered a custom made ring with skulls and blue sapphires.

Olivia: Awww like ye're birthstones

Padge: Exactly, ring will be ready to collect once we in Crete so Moose here has kindly offered to collect and pay for it until I get back

Stephi: Wow Moose babes, you kept that a secret for how long?

Moose: Couple of days

Matt: Miracle

Jai: Stoked for you Padge mate, ye are well suited for each other

Padge: Thanks guys, so anyway changing subject what time is ye're flight tomorrow at?

Jai: 1pm at Heathrow

Padge: Cool and we fly at 1:25pm to London from same place so Poppy said she will drive us all in her car and leave her car at airport again.

Jai: How you gonna surprise her with Crete?

Padge: Well I have the stuff Olivia got me for Pops in my suitcase and I just hide the stuff in there and pretend I'm taking her away for a spin or something and arrive at airport

Jai: Good a plan as any I suppose

Matt: And what about the proposal when you gonna do that?

Padge: Was thinking of doing it once we back from Crete but dunno when or how to do it yet

Matt: You'll think of something special

Padge: Yeah hopefully

So we all head back inside and I go quietly upstairs to check on Poppy, she was fast asleep so I left her be as she clearly needed the sleep. I go back downstairs.

Jai: Is she OK?

Padge: She fast asleep

Jai: Clearly needs the sleep so, we have to try keep it down

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