Chapter Sixteen🌻

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!" Lena screams as she jumps on top of me in the bed. My birthday, ugh, right now I just want to sleep. Lena is smiling and seems excited as ever.

"What time is it?" I groan/mumble low, as I rub my eyes trying to get some kind of motivation for this day.

"It's uhm, 8 in the morning..." Lena says almost in a shy way, knowing I'd be pissed about it bring so early. I groan again and slam my head back into the pillow, wanting nothing more in the world than to go to sleep.

"Listen, we have crap to do today! The party tonight is honestly going to be the best EVER. I have to call people, we have to go shopping, I need to get some cups, and you NEED a new outfit in the worst way. So get the heck out of this bed, now." Lena smiles at the end of what sounded like a lecture to me. I roll my eyes, I hope she's being dramatic about tonight.

"Listen, after everything that's happened, I really don't want a big party, or a lot of people here. I really don't need a new outfit either, my clothes are fine, so I'll just find something I already have to wear." I look at her with a depressed look, hoping she will feel sorry for me and forget all together about these huge birthday plans.

Lena took a long breath before rolling her eyes, "Listen, nobody died..." She told me in her aggravated tone she gets quite a lot. I looked at her, almost shocked by what she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, even though I kind of knew I didn't want to hear whatever it was that was about to come out of her mouth.

"I get it, it's messed up. You liked Cameron, Taylor was our best friend, they screwed up, their shitty people. But, nobody died from it, so don't act like they did. Today is your birthday, so have an amazing day, get a hot new outfit, because your clothes fit you like garbage bags now, and show them both that you're not a girl to be messed with. Don't let them have the satisfaction of you being sad and depressed with a carton of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and Harry Potter. It's your birthday, so freaking act like it already!"

"You're right. You're completely right." I look at my best friend, still trying to take in everything she bluntly said. "You know though, someone did basically die though..." I told her, trying to make myself look somewhat better.

"What are you talking about now?" She huffed, not hiding the fact that she was over the conversation. "Taylor. She basically died. We went from seeing and talking to her everyday, to none at all. She was our best friend, now she's basically gone. She's dead to me, ya know?" I told her, not expecting a response really, but I was feeling emotional right now, and I didn't want to.

It had been two days since I've last talked to Taylor or even Cameron. Taylor gave up trying to talk to me, letting me have space, but she's still trying to get Lena to respond to her messages. Cameron blows my phone up everyday. Usually they sound like sad, depressing messages. He'll say he misses me, and he'll ask when he can see me. Somehow, I've managed to not text him back, any at all.

Lena knew I was about to burst into tears, "She's dead to me to, I know what you mean. She was our best friend, but if she was an actual true friend, she wouldn't have done that screwed up shit. Now let's get this day started, today is a good day!" She says hopping out of the bed, and throwing me a clean shirt.

"We'll go out first, and get ready for the party later." She seems to have the whole day planned out already, and I was actually getting excited.

We end up coming home and bursting through Lena's bedroom door around 8 in the evening. We spent the day basically window shopping for clothes. I did end up buying a cute mini sweater dress with some new boots. We went out to eat at our favorite place, where Lena had them sing happy birthday to me. I could have died from embarrassment. So far, today had been great. I forgot everything except for that it was birthday and we were having fun.

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