Chapter Fifteen🌻

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As soon as I read it, I felt the blood drain from my face. I felt tears rushing quickly down my face, before I could even try to stop them. I looked at Lena, I couldn't tell if she was hurt or pissed off by the whole situation. Honestly, I didn't know which one I was either. Lena's phone buzzed again and I closed my eyes, wishing I could dissappear for a little while.

Lena grabbed it and read it out loud anyways...

I know I screwed up, but I was drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing. I love you girls, you guys are my best friends, please don't hate me.

"She didn't know what she was doing? She wasn't that drunk to not know, heck she remembered it pretty well didn't she?" I retorted back, wishing Taylor was here to hear me bitching about her. I didn't know which one I was more hurt and mad at. There was Taylor, one of my best friends. We always had each others back, I would have never in a million years thought she would be the type of person to sleep with my boyfriend.

Then...there was Cameron, of course. His sweet compliments and kisses, all just lies? I thought he cared about me, for some head hurts from crying, but the tears are still streaming down my face.

"Listen, they both are crappy people, apparently. You can do better, heck, you still got me. We can forget Taylor, she's a backstabber. There's ice cream in the freezer, should we fix this with cookie dough ice cream and Harry Potter?" Lena kind of smile before getting up and leading the way to the kitchen.

Lena's trying to understand and be nice. This side of her is rare, but she always knows what to say, or how to help.

My phone buzzed and I cringed, I already knew who it would be.

Hey, missing you tonight, wish I was there. How has you're day been?

Lena read it over my shoulder and told me to ignore it. There was a part of me that wanted to text him back, then the other part of me never wanted to speak to him ever again.

My phone buzzed again, this time it was Taylor...

What are my beautiful friends into tonight?!

What are we doing tomorrow, I'm coming over!

My mind was blown. I was instantly pissed off and want nothing more than to punch her face. She was acting like nothing happened, like Lena hadn't told me anything.

I don't think that's a good idea.

She didn't text back. Lena was just as shocked as I was that she did in the first place. I felt weak and tired, but not sleepy. Lena fell asleep during the sixth Harry Potter movie, and here I was, alone. I was left thinking of nothing but Cameron and Taylor. I wanted to complain, but who was there to listen now?...

Dear Diary,
I'm no longer talking to Cameron. Oh, and Taylor and I aren't friends anymore either. They both betrayed me. Both of them made me feel stupid, ugly, and not good enough. I thought Cameron was an alright guy, and Taylor, shew, what do I do now?

How can I go from liking two people and needing them to hating them and not wanting to see them again? I'm not good at meeting new people anyways, now, two people I've known for years, easily went behind my back and lost my trust completely.

Cameron is adorable, but now thinking of him makes me want to puke. If this had happened to Lena, she would forget it happened and forget them all together. She would go on living life like they never existed to her, probably. Just this once, I wish I was like her. Carefree attitude that refuses to let people get her down, or to let them know or see. But, that's just not me.

I keep thinking of how close my birthday is. Just the other night we was all making plans, now it's just something I'm not that excited about.
Before, it was going to be an amazing party with the people I care about the most...and whoever else Taylor would've invited.

But now, Taylor or Cameron won't be here on my birthday. If I had a party at all, people would be asking where Taylor was, because everyone knows she's one of my best friends.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for all that. Heck, I don't know how to handle any of this.

I'm worried about tomorrow. I hope we don't do anything but watch movies all day again, but I know the chances of that are low...

I stopped writing and checked the time, it was 2:30 in the morning and my hand hurts from writing so much. I just want to talk to someone. I go through my messages, and find someone who would probably be awake and willing to talk.

You still awake? I need someone to talk to...

I'm awake, is everything ok?

I smiled to myself when I read his message. Maybe Blake isn't as bad as I thought before... He's always there when I need to talk about something.

It's about Cameron, I think we broke up.

Ok, now it just feels weird. Should I really be talking to my ex about my current ex? I'm not even sure if he would want to talk about it. Cameron and I aren't exactly broken up yet, and I don't know how I'm going to do it.

Maybe, I could just stopped talking to him all together until he gives up and gets the hint that I hate him. Because I do hate him. I'm pretty sure I hate him. Well, maybe not hate hate, but it's something really close and similar to hate...

I think. I think I hate him.

Author's Note:

I made this chapter a lot of Cami ranting. She's hurt and upset, not to mention confused. But anyways, what did everyone think? Comment & vote! :)

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