"When did she tell you this?" He was avoiding my question. I didn't like that. If I answered all his questions faithfully, why couldn't he just be as I am and do the same? Am I asking for too much? This was my place. This was the time to get all the answers I desired. I didn't want to be attached to a taken man. Some things in life may not go according to plan but I'd be filled with regret if I didn't take this opportunity to get the thing I truly needed to move on with my life.

"You're avoiding the question,"

"Fuck the question! When did she tell you this?" He snarled, his eyes getting even colder than before. "Is this why you didn't come see me when you got the call?"

"Do you have a son with her? It's a simple question." I needed to stand my ground. Outside, I needed him to see that I indeed have a voice and I will not continue to let him walk all over me. He needs to have the utmost respect for me. Respect, honesty, trust. Whatever thing I thought we had didn't have any of those characteristics. Our relationship was toxic, something that was detrimental to life.

He grunted again, using his alright hand to wipe at this face again in frustration. "Skylar,"

"Tristen," Stand your ground, girl. But my weakness was close. I could feel myself breaking down. How? Because his eyes changed. Something in them changed. It was the begging look. The look that made him look more dependent in this hospital bed.

"Come here," His voice was so yielding and smooth. The slight lick of his lips caused my body to twitch and under too my pressure from his deep gaze, I looked away.

"I'm fine here."

"C'mon, Sky. You've abandoned me in this hell hold for three fucking days and I've been deprived from the feel of your body. You've prohibited me from being able to hear your sweet voice and kiss your lips. I've missed—"

"Stop," I exhaled, my mind going somewhere that I didn't want to explore. He could only do that, put me in a trance with just a few words. I was mostly annoyed with myself that I would allow myself to be so compliant with this adamant man. "I came here to talk, to get answers, Tristen." I couldn't take it anymore. This wasn't how I wanted to walk out this hospital room, empty handed with only the soothing words from his mouth.

I removed my hands from the bar at the foot of his bed and began pacing around the room, trying to get my thoughts in order and trying to stay calm. How could someone be so selfish and degrade my feelings and emotions as if they were nothing? How could I allow this to happen? Why had I taken interest in him in the first place? What possessed me to think it was okay to continue to talk to him and hang out with him after all my friends specifically told me that he was no good for me? Honestly, this was my fault. I've been so stupid, so insecure, so oblivious to see the signs of a man that just wanted my body and not my heart and mind.


No, no, no, no. I never openly accepted that my heart was a huge part of this ordeal. I had feelings for him, and I truly did like him. I truly do want us to be together and stay together. I want us to one day have a child together and grow old with him. With him. Tristen Adams. My heart was beating for him only. My heart was tied down to him.


Do I love Tristen?

"Sky," I heard him say. I stopped pacing in the middle of the room, and rose my head to stare at him. "May, during the end of Junior year in high school, I was hanging out with a couple of friends. Then I got a call from Tracy. We weren't together at the moment but we did.....have relations. Our break ups were never really break ups because we'd always somehow go back to each other.

So it was like the same old shit, so I didn't think shit about her call. I answered and on the other line, she was crying heavily like a cat fucking died. I got her to calm down and went into another room because I didn't want any personal stuff about her past being shared. I calmed her down a bit and the line went silent for a while. I remember it all," He paused and his eyes connected with mine. "She told me that she was feeling sick for a few weeks and said she got a pregnancy test and took it."

The Bad Boy Wants Her [ COMPLETED  ✓] | 18+Where stories live. Discover now