Well Hello There

200 18 10

*Colleen's pov*
It's the weekend!! I am all packed and I'm driving to Joshua's house. He's all packed ready with the tent as well. I knock on the door of his house and he answers. He gives me a sweet smile and invites me in. "Just gonna go get my suite case." Josh says and runs upstairs. His mom, Gwen walks in. "Is it just you and Josh? he said that Isaac and Ben will be there." she says. Isaac and Ben are Joshua's best friends. I haven't talked to them much but they seem like not your average high school boys. "Oh yeah, their getting in Isaacs car and driving there later." I say. Even though it's a lie she believes me. I hear Joshua's footsteps coming down the stairs. He says goodbye to his moms and we start driving. We make it to the woods and we go a little farther so that people won't find us. I help Josh set up the tent and he then starts a fire. I try to get cell service when I bump into Joshua. He catches me just in time. His face is inches away from mine. "Well hello there" Joshua says trying to flight. "well hi." I say back. I bite my lip before he kisses me on the lips. I put my hands on his face to deepen the kiss. He grabs my back tighter so I have an arch in my back. I slightly moan which I know turns Josh on. We've never done it but her has grabbed my ass and when we're alone we act like we have. The kisses get more and more passionate and dirty. He slips a moan through his lips which turns me on even more, I start to back him up into the tent. He zipped up the tent quickly and came back to my lips. We started to remove clothes until we were completely naked. We kissed and made sweet love to each other. We have definitely crossed the line but I don't care right now. Joshua is spooning me naked and it's the best feeling in the world. We just gave ourselves to each other. This is a feeling that most people haven't felt in a long time and maybe ever. But I am lucky I got to feel it. I feel 765 feet tall right now. He unexpectedly grabs a tighter grip on me and I smile, to myself. This is better than any vacation ever.

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