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To those who made me motivated to write this book. If it weren't for you, this book probably wouldn't have existed in the first place. <3

[The fact that this book has finally ended, it fills you with determination...]

...A Few Years Later...


I walked down the aisle, familiar faces glanced my way from the seats and were smiling brightly at me. I could hear wedding bells ringing. I clutched onto my flowers tightly. I felt my chest tighten. At the end of the aisle, I saw him. The groom.

It was Aaron. (Feel free to change it to your fav babe in MyStreet using your imagination Cx)

He turned to me and smiled. I climbed up the few steps leading to where Aaron and the priest were. I stood next to Aaron and whispered something in his ear. "Make sure to take care of Aphmau for me, Aaron." I whispered in his ear. He turned to me and nodded. We smiled at each other for a moment till I went over to the side, at the second row of seats were Travis was waiting for me.

"So... What was it like?" He asked, smirking at me. I turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked back. He chuckled softly. "What I meant was... What was it like? You know, walking down the aisle, being a bridesmaid in general. Feeling like a princess getting married to her handsome prince. Which I'm pretty sure will be me." I snorted at the last line.

Suddenly, I heard the doors, which were the entrance, slowly opening. I glanced back and turned back to Travis. "Shut up, Travis. Aphmau's here." I hissed, nudging him. He pouted, rolling his eyes. But I didn't mind much of it. I was too busy admiring Aphmau as she walked down the aisle slowly in her beautiful dress.

Abbie skipped along in front of her, a basket filled with flower petals. She sprinkled flower petals on the aisle as she skipped along. I smiled. She looked so happy even though she knew it wasn't her special day. I focused my attention back to Aphmau. I noticed she clutched onto her bouquet nervously. She glanced at me.

I could tell even through her veil that she was smiling. I smiled back at her. She took a deep breath and continued walking along confidently. Aaron looked at her, slightly gawking. Aphmau imbed up the stairs and went to Aaron's side. Aaron grabbed onto Aphmau's hand and smiled at her. Aphmau smiled back and they both turned to the priest.

I glanced at Travis who was staring blankly at the two of them. I nudged him a bit. Instantly, he snapped back to reality. "Oh! I uh... W-what?" He cried in confusion, turning to me. I rolled my eyes. "You were spacing out, Travis." I scolded. He scratched the back of his neck, laughing nervously. "Oh... Sorry about that." He apologised.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the bride and the groom who were now saying their vows. And then the most awaited part came... "Do you, Aaron [insert his last name here since I don't know it XD] take Aphmau [same with Aphmau's] as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked. Aaron stared at Aphmau for a moment and took a deep breath. "I do." He replied, nodding.

The priest turned to Aphmau who was waiting anxiously. "And do you, Aphmau [insert last name here] take Aaron [it would be appreciated if you told me their last names] as your lawfully wedded husband?" Aphmau nodded and smiled. "I do." She replied confidently. The priest smiled and turned back to Aaron. "You may now kiss the bride." Aaron cupped Aphmau's cheek and they kissed.

Everyone clapped and cheered happily. I smiled. Travis suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned to him and furrowed my eyebrows. His eyes grew wide. "What? I just wanted to let you feel comfortable." He said in defence. (I am using the British Keyboard. XD) I rolled my eyes and turned back to Aaron and Aphmau. They happily raced down the aisle.

We all went outside of the church and cleared a path for the newly weds. Aaron turned to Aphmau, smiling at her as he linked their arms. Aphmau turned to him and smiled. Then she turned back to the rest of us and threw her bouquet. Girls screeched and tried to reach for it as it flew in mid air. Of course, I wasn't one of those girls. I was just the one who laughed when Travis was the one who caught the flower.

He came up to me with a goofy smile. "Here." He said, handing it to me. I accepted it, still laughing. I could see some of the girls glaring at me. Afterwards, we proceeded to the venue for the party.

...I Promise You This Is The Last Later...

Me and Travis laid down on the grass in the garden which was outside of the venue. Everyone were inside, partying while we stayed out here. We stared at the starry filled sky. It just turned night. I rested my head on Travis shoulder as I felt his hand wrapping around my waist.

There was a moment of silence. Travis turned to me. "Hey Katelyn?" I turned to him. "Yeah?" I replied. "Remember playing Truth or Dare during our double date with Nicole and Dante?" Travis asked. "Remember the question Nicole asked you when you said Truth?" I nodded slowly. "So... What's your answer now? I'm sure it has changed since last time." He asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" I muttered, confused.

"Like I mean, do you think we'll ever get married in the future?"

I remained silent for a moment. Then I shrugged in reply. Travis was clearly surprised at my answer. "What do you mean, you don't know?" He asked in confusion. I smiled. "Travis, I'm no time lord. I'm not sure if we're ever going to get married soon and possibly even have kids. I just like to see what the future has for us." I replied.

Travis nodded, looking back at the sky. "Reasonable answer, I guess." He said nonchalantly. I followed his gaze and looked back at the night sky. "There's so many stars tonight..." I muttered. Travis nodded. "Yeah. Probably about 500 or even a thousand." He remarked.

And that's how much I fell for this jerk.

The End, of this fanfic.


Definitely didn't see that coming, eh? 😉 Okay, so I'd like to thank all of you for voting and commenting and just reading this book on general. It's been a fun experience writing this and I'm very happy that Travlyn finally got their happily ever after.

A special thank you to Indie_Is_Indie for being very supportive. She was my first ever voter and the first one to bring a star to my night sky. <3

Any who, that's all now. Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon!


~Lulu <3

Edited A/N (07/27/18):


50k reads.

50 whole freaking thousand reads.

Holy macaroni.

Oh my gosh.

What the actual heck, guys???!!!

Like seriously, thank you sooo much for the awesome support on this book!!! I never thought it would get this far and I'm so happy it did! I'm so so SO sorry I don't usually reply to comments anymore like I used to but I try to whenever I can. But just...

Thank you guys so much!!!! Y'all mean the world to me! ^_^

P. S.-

I just realised now that I already wrote another AN about this whole 50k thing on the first part lol. I just wrote it again since it's still kinda overwhelming. So yeah! Thanks!

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