[#twenty-one ] *insert lenny face here*

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To @BrieLovesAarmau for motivating me with the votes and for also adoring something that I also do. <3


We were watching the movie we wanted to see. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Not because of the fact the 2 main characters in the movie had an awkward encounter with each other. Mostly because I was sitting next to you-know-who. (Voldemort) I stared at him for a moment but then looked away before he could catch me staring at him. He might get the wrong message and think I was admiring his face, when in reality I was just looking at him in disgust.

I continued to watch the movie, glancing at Travis every now and then. I looked down at the bag of popcorn in my hands and realized it was empty. I glared at Travis and he seemed to notice me doing so. He turned to me with a confused expression on his face. "What?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "You ate all my popcorn, didn't you?" I hissed, making it sound more like a statement instead of a question.

Travis smiled sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen. Travis sighed in relief. A smirk grew on my face. He thinks he has gotten away with it, eh? He should know that I'm not going to let him off that easily. My subconscious laughed evilly. Dang, my subconscious isevil. When you think about it though, I am really just evil in general when it comes to getting my revege and stuff like that. Hm.

I felt something warm on my hand, interrupting my thoughts. It was another hand resting on mine. I thought it was Travis. But it was actually Nicole. She was sitting to my right. Since I complained earlier about our seating arrangement and how I have the right to sit next to at least one person of the same gender. I looked up at her and I saw her smiling. I cocked my head a bit to the side. Why is she smiling? My subconscious wondered. "Katelyn, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I was worried that you would just stay quiet or would complain the whole time throughout this double date." She stated.

I smiled as well and nodded. Well, I couldn't say I was exactly enjoying myself, nor was I wasn't either. Okay, that sounded confusing. But you get what I mean. Right...?


After the movie, we went to a restaurant to eat dinner. I sat next to Travis in the booth while Nicole and Dante sat across from us. Now, I'm not saying I didn't complain about the seating issue again awhile ago. But Dante was starting to get pissed off and said I was just being ridiculous. I could feel Travis' hand slither around my waist. I bit my lip and tried to prevent myself from yelling at him and doing a speech about "personal space". Like I mean, come on, Katelyn. He probably just means it in a friendly way. My subconscious reasoned. I seemed convinced by it. But then I could feel his hand go a bit lower than its supposed to be.

"Perv." I muttered under my breath, glaring at Travis. He didn't notice me and just continued to talk to Dante about some gorgeous model or whatever, as if both me and Nicole weren't around. I gritted my teeth. I pinched the back of the hand Travis had that was barely just about touching my butt. Travis' eyes grew wide and he winced in pain. He quickly pulled his hand away and rubbed the back of his hand with his other one.

I glared at him. "That-" I said through clenched teeth, gesturing to his hand which I recently just pinched. "-is for eating all of my popcorn and also for being a perv." Travis had an unamused look on his face. I could hear both Nicole and Dante laughing. Travis could hear them laughing too. We both turned to them. "What is so funny?" I asked, unamused. I had a feeling that Travis was wondering the same thing by the look on his face. "Dante," He hissed, trying to get him to stop. But he wouldn't. They wouldn't.

Me and Travis glared at them. "Its just that you two are acting like littke kids fighting over a toy or something." Dante said in between chuckles. Nicole nodded, still laughing. She stopped to say something, but a grin remained on her face. "Yeah, I agree with Dante." She said. I rolled my eyes. "What a great bestfriend you are." I muttered, sarcasm in my voice. Travis rolled his eyes too. "Tell me about it."

At least we could both agree on something.



Hope you enjoyed that! It was fairly short, but mostly interesting. Well, that's my opinion. I hope its the same for you. ^-^

Anyways!! Let's take the time to rant about stuff. Am I the only one who finds it cute when they both agree on something?! Like I mean, #ShipGoals. Eeeekk! I'm not even kidding right now, but I don't normally squeal and fangirl about anything except for my MyStreet ships. Especially Travlyn. Eeek! The Aphmau VS. Aaron MCPDH episode when Travis and Dante were discovered by Katelyn and Teony though. XD

"WE'VE BEEN DISCOVERED! RUNNNNN!" XD I still can't forget that.

So, before I could get carried away by all these #ShipGoals and stuff, I'd like to thank @BrieLovesAarmau for voting and shipping Aarmau. Yasssss! We must let the ship sail!!

Any who,



P.S. #ShipGoals XP

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