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To @AwesomeAngy for motivating me through her votes and for making such a great story that make people happy. <3


I just left. I just freaking left. I wanted to just leave him be with his stupid girlfriend. I felt angry, for some reason. I never knew he had a girlfriend! I growled. I stopped walking and froze. What's wrong with me? I'm not normally like this... It wasn't like me to get angry just because - ugh!

I stomped all the way home. I finally reached my house. I walked up the porch steps and fished out my keys from my pockets. I unlocked the door and opened it. I stepped in and slammed the door shut. "Grr..." I growled as I went through the kitchen and into the living room. I climbed up the stairs and went towards my door. My hand rested on the doorknob. Then I sighed.

I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door. I stepped into my room. I closed the door behind me - more gently this time. I ran over to my bed and flopped down on it. I hid my face in my pillow. "Why?!" I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Why am I acting like this?!"

My pillow turned very wet from my tears. I sat up straightly and wiped my tears away. My eyes stinged. Suddenly, it hit me. Travis asked me out on a date. A freaking date. I gasped. "Oh God, oh God, oh God..." I mumbled when I realized that. So, maybe that means that girl isn't his girlfriend...? And that also means he asked me out on a date.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God." I mumbled. I felt my palms starting to get sweaty. Should I go?! Should I?! Suddenly, I heard someone knocking on my door, interrupting my thoughts. I raised an eyebrow and stood up. I walked towards my door and opened it. I was surprised to see Aphmau standing there with a grin on her face, a tray of cupcakes in her hands.

"Hey Katelyn!" She said happily. I sighed. I was jealous of the fact that she was more happier than me. "Do you want a cupcake? Please do try one out! Or else Zane will eat them all..." I bit my lower lip and took a cupcake. Then I took a bite out of it. My eyes widened in surprise. "T-thanks... It's good. I like it." I said, bits of chocolate cupcake coming out of my mouth. Aphmau smiled.

I swallowed it. "Now... I-uh, I'm just going to take a nap..." I stated. Aphmau raised an eyebrow. "Is there something bothering you, Katelyn?" I could sense that Aphmau was worried. I shook my head. "N-no... Not at all." I lied. Aphmau tilted her head. "You sure? Because I have a feeling you're lying, Katelyn." Aphmau said. I nodded my head vigorously. Aphmau eyed me suspiciously. I held my breath.

"What's wrong, Katelyn?" She asked. I let out a breath and sighed, looking down. "It's just... It's just I, l-like Travis..." I choked on my words. It was true. I was starting to realize that over the days. "He asked me out on a date... I'm not sure whether or not I should go... He probably doesn't like me back and-and he'd rather date that girl who he've been hanging out with lately." I could feel the tears rolling down my cheek. Aphmau gasped. If she wasn't holding a tray of cupcakes, she would've probably had passed out on the floor. I heard someone squealing from downstairs.

Then an annoyed groan. Zane and Kawaii~Chan. (Zane~Chan! :D) Those little eavesdroppers... "K-Katelyn! I-I..." Aphmau said, but I cut her off. "Can we talk inside my room? I'm afraid SOMEONE might hear us." I raised my voice at the mention of "someone". I heard another groan. Coming from downstairs. Except this time, it was more high-pitched and more feminine-like than the last one.

Aphmau nodded and I let her in. I closed the door behind her. Aphmau placed the tray of cupcakes on my desk then sat down beside me on my bed. "So, um..." I muttered. Aphmau turned to me. "Katelyn! I think you should go!" Aphmau said, almost squealing. I looked down. "Well, I don't kn-know... I'm just afraid he doesn't like me back... Even if he's a freaking Casanova. Because they move on from girl to girl very quickly, right...?"

Aphmau sighed. "Well, Katelyn, you should really just choose what your heart desires." She said. I nodded, still looking down. "I-I'm not sure..." I mumbled. "Don't you like him?" Aphmau asked me. I looked up and stared at her. That, was a hard question to answer. My brain was telling me that I did. But my heart... "I-I don't know... I-I..." I stuttered.

It felt wrong liking him. My heart told me that I didn't just like him... "It just feels like... 'like' isn't the right word." I said. Aphmau nodded. "So you 'love' him?" I froze. "N-no! I just-" I exclaimed, my cheeks flushing red. "I..." I sighed and looked down.

"I'm just so confused about what I feel for him..."


I had troubles writing this chapter so I decided to just YOLO it. XD

I hope you liked that chapter! Anyways, I'd like to thank @AwesomeAngy for voting! ^-^ I am loving your Travlyn story so far. By the way, I only vote on stuff when I really like it! (Okay, maybe sometimes I just vote because whoever wrote the book is my follower or someone who votes on my stories, but still! 20% of the reason I voted is because I liked it!) So that means I like the chapters I voted - which is pretty much every chapter I read so far. 😆

I'm not really sure if this story won't be a lot more chapters to go before I finish this. But nonetheless, let's not worry about that right now. 😉

Shoutout to all those fellow fan girls reading this. 😁


~Lulu <3

P.S. Please vote! I know you can. 😉

Total emoji's in this A/N - 5

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