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To @Kat768 for the motivation brought by her votes and her kawaii anime profile picture. <3


After we were done eating, Travis lead me somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked, trying my best to catch up with him. Travis smirked, not replying. I rolled my eyes. Ugh. Curiosity was starting to get the best of me.

I grabbed onto his arm. He froze and turned around. His whole face turned red. "Tell me, where are we going?" I asked again, furrowing my eyebrows. Travis started stuttering nonsense which I didn't want to hear. He yanked his arm away and continued walking. I groaned, following him. "Come on, Travis! Tell me...!" I pleaded, resting my hand on his shoulder as he walked in front of me.

He remained silent and continued walking. I sighed and put my hand back down to my sides. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. I groaned.


Travis lead me to the park. I raised an eyebrow as he pulled the park gate open for me. I entered the park through the massive gate it had as an entrance, while Travis followed behind. "Uh... Travis?" I muttered. I could feel his hand grabbing onto my arm from behind. I froze. His hand went lower until it finally reached its target. He grabbed onto my hand. I badly wanted to punch him in the face, but for some odd reason, I didn't. I remained frozen, lost in my thoughts. Travis' fingers were entwined onto mine.

It felt right.

Travis faced me, smirking. I blushed furiously, gritting my teeth. He chuckled and walked ahead, our hands still linked together.



Hope you enjoyed that! I thought that it was quite cute and I hope you think so too!

Oh, and by the way, this will be the last dedication I'll ever give to someone since there's just too many people I want to thank. 😂 Thank you guys so much! Dedication to @Kat768. Thank you for voting. They are much appreciated. ^-^ And I know that some of you just voted to get a dedication, so please can ya stop voting now? I just want people who vote on my stories because they like it. Not because they crave for attention.

Anyways, see ya later.


~Lulu <3

P.S. Where are we going? *clap clap* To the park! Where are we going? *clap clap* To the park! (Yes, that is a reference from my childhood show)

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