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To all the people reading this, thank you. Just by simply looking at the words I jot down, it keeps me motivated. <3


"So... What now?"

We all turned to Katelyn. There was a moment of silence. It was quite obvious we were all thinking of what to do. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. "Truth or Dare?" I suggested, turning to them. Dante beamed and nodded. "Sure, sure. I'm down to it." I turned to Katelyn. I raised an eyebrow.

She shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed. "Nope. Nope. Bags of nope (Some people may get this 😏)." She chanted loudly, her eyes closed. Now she was acting like a stubborn little 3 year old. I rolled my eyes. "There is no way - as in NO WAY, am I going to either do something stupid or am I going to answer a ridiculous question. No way."

She turned to Nicole. "Right?" She asked her. Nicole shook her head and grinned. "Sorry, Katelyn. But you're going to have to since it seems like you've been outnumbered." She replied. Katelyn looked at her, surprised. She was probably expecting Nicole to back her up. Me and Dante chuckled. She shot us a dirty look and we stopped. But a grin remained on our face.

Nicole shushed all of us while Katelyn slouched down in her seat. I could hear her grumble something. Nicole turned to Katelyn. "Okay, Katelyn, Truth or Dare?" Nicole asked. Katelyn sighed and sat up more straightly. "Truth." She muttered. Nicole grinned. "Now tell me, Katelyn, your honest answer on this one." She said then paused. It created some sort of a dramatic effect. Everyone was holding their breath. Including Katelyn.

"Do you think you'll end up marrying Travis in the future?"

I could feel a blush creep up my cheeks. An eerie silence followed. But then Katelyn shot up from her seat. "Never in a million years!" She cried through gritted teeth, glancing sideways at me, furrowing her eyebrows. I looked down, blushing like crazy. Ugh. I felt so embarrassed for some reason. Probably because of Nicole's question. Dammit. I probably shouldn't have suggested Truth or Dare.

Nicole told Katelyn to sit back down, and when she finally did, Nicole questioned her. "But... Why?" She asked Katelyn, raising an eyebrow. I felt uncomfortable as Katelyn rolled her eyes, groaning. "First off, he's a jerk, a pervert, and a freaking Casanova! Second, he's not my type, Third-" I cut her off.

"I get it, I get it. We all get it." I said sharply. "I get it that I seem like a very terrible person (I would've used the other term of 'butt' but nah, Travis isn't that bad) but you don't have to rub the message all over my face though." Everyone remained quiet. Besides the unceasingly (damn, that English though 😏) chatter of the other people dining at this restaurant and the footsteps of the waiters as they scurry around, serving the customers, the room was completely silent. I took in a sharp breath.

Nicole and Dante looked astonished (damn daniel, that amazing English though 😏) at what I just said. Even Katelyn seemed surprised. I bit my lower lip and looked away. "I..." I heard someone mutter. I assumed it was Katelyn. Then silence. I sighed and stood up. I turned to my group of friends. "I'll just... Be right back." I said, eyeing Katelyn. I quickly walked away and towards the hallway that lead to the bathroom. To be honest though, I didn't really feel like going to the loo.

I just wanted to clear my mind and calm down. I went over to the door that had the familiar silhouette of a man on it. I turned the doorknob. Dammit. It was locked. I took in another sharp breath. I ran my hand through my hair. I leaned on the wall opposite the bathroom door. It was probably just some slow poke. Calm down, Travis. Just calm down...

I shook my head and kicked the bathroom door. "Gah! That's the point, I can't!" I cried in frustration. I clutched my hair in my hands. "Umm... sir, are you okay?" I looked up and saw a woman in a waiter uniform holding a silver tray to my right, at the end of the hallway. Obviously, she was a waiter. My "Casanova" instincts told me to smirk and immediately flirt with her. But I didn't feel like it at the moment.

I smiled a small smile. "I'm fine. Thanks." I mumbled. She didn't seem convinced though. She left but then came right back - except this time, she didn't have a tray in her hand. She walked down the hallway and towards me. I stiffened. Shoot. She was walking towards me. I didn't know what to do. Shoot. It felt like being back in high school before when Dante hadn't taught me to man up yet. (I hate you, Dante. -.-)

She stopped when she reached me and leaned on the wall right next to me. She cocked her head towards me. Then she raised an eyebrow. "Sorry for the disrespect, but tell me, what's wrong, sir?" She asked. I bit my lower lip. "Well, uh... It's fine. You can just call me Travis." I replied.

The waiter nodded. She pulled out her hand and I caught myself staring at it. I felt like an idiot since I didn't know what to do. Looking back at this, she probably just wanted to shake hands. But I never thought about it before. "I'm Indie." She said. I still remained looking down at her hand, startled. What am I supposed to do?!

Indie noticed that I wasn't shaking her hand. She sighed and pulled it away. She looked at me. "So, what's wrong...?" She asked so casually unlike any other waiter. I sighed and looked away. "I just have this... friend. Well, I guess you can consider us as that. And she thinks I'm a jerk. It really hurts knowing she considers me as one. I don't know what to do..." I trailed off.

Indie listened to me intently. Then she opened her mouth to say some advice. "Deal with it, Travis. You can't please anyone." She remarked, shrugging her shoulders so impossibly casually. I started getting second thoughts whether or not she's actually human since it seems as if she hadn't tried to please everybody before. But I remained quiet and listened to her.

"But, maybe you can try to be a lot less... jerkier? And a lot more... nicer? In case she still thinks of you as a jerk, then just drop it. You don't have to please everybody. Either way there will always be some people who will never like you. Like in that one song, 'Who cares if you disagree. You are not me. Who made you king of anything.' (I love that song!! ^-^) yeah?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks for the advice." I said. Indie smiled back. "Well, I have to go now. I'm not supposed to be talking to the customers." She said. She turned to leave. But then stopped as if she just remembered something. She turned around and smiled apologetically. "Oh, I almost forgot." She pulled out her hand and looked at me, smiling. "Friends?" I looked down at her hand.

I looked back up at her and smiled. I shook her hand. "Friends." I said. Indie smiled then waved at me. Then she left.

I was glad that this time, I wasn't an idiot and actually shook her hand.


Muahahhahahahahah! I named the waiter after you, Indie. 😏 You're probably happy about it - well, I'm not exactly sure - and you're wondering why I'm making it seem like a bad thing. But I will nevah let you know! It's just part of the storyline. Muahahhahahahahah! >:3

Well, I don't really have anyone to thank when you mean just an individual. But I do have to thank all of YOU guys! From those who voted and commented, to those who are only just reading this but I don't know about it. Thank you, thank you! ^-^ Thank you for letting this book reach the goal of 1,000 reads! 😱 Ehrmagod. I can't believe it. Someone wake me up. xD

I hope you guys are liking the story so far, and also possibly those future readers out there. Don't be afraid to tell me about any corrections or whatever. It would be appreciated.


Signing off, and saying bye,

~Lulu <3

P.S. I still can't believe we got 1k reads. Oh ma gosh!! 😱

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