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To @Linkiful for keeping me motivated with the votes and for reading this till' now. <3


Me and Katelyn entered the packed building through the glass door. We were at the movie theater. Apparently, Dante and Nicole wanted us to watch a movie then go eat some dinner afterwards. I looked at Katelyn and smiled. She looked at me for a moment and looked away. "Ugh." She groaned. I followed her gaze and saw that there was a very long line for the ticket booth.

I groaned too. "This'll be a looong night." Katelyn groaned. I looked back at her and noticed that she was staring at me with a bored look on her face. "But at least you'll be with me for the entire rest of the night." I said, winking. Katelyn rolled her eyes. She went to the back of the line. I followed along. She looked down at the floor. "Ugh. I wish Nicole and Dante can hurry up already because I don't wanna wait in this stupid line with you." Katelyn muttered, looking back up at me.

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "You know that you agreed to this double date because you think I'm such an amazing guy." I said. Katelyn sneered. "In your dreams, Travis. In your dreams." Katelyn said. I pouted but Katelyn looked back to the line. It went forward a bit. She stepped forward and so did I. Then she looked back at me. "Look, I only agreed to this - stupid, may I add - double date because Nicole is with us." She said.

"Don't get any ideas that I consider this as a date. I only consider that this is just a friendly little gathering. And we're all just friends."

Katelyn added the last part through gritted teeth. I sighed, looking down. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw 2 familiar faces. They belonged to Nicole and Dante. "Hey! Travis, how are you doing?" Dante said, pulling me into a hug. "It's been awhile since I've last seen you." Dante squeezed me tightly.

"You do know we live in the same house, right?"

Dante chuckled at my statement. "Yeah, of course I know that. Its just that you've always been at swim practice, Travis." He said. I rolled my eyes. Dante pulled away and turned to Katelyn. "I wasn't expecting you to be here." He said, surprised. Katelyn stuffed her hands in her pockets. "Eh, I guess you should always expect the unexpected." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm glad you're here, Katelyn." Nicole said, smiling. I turned to Katelyn but she stayed silent. She shot me a dirty look. I turned to Dante. "We're almost at the front of the line. How about you and Nicole get some snacks?" I asked. Dante nodded. "Sure." He turned to Nicole and grabbed her hand. Then they walked over to the booths selling some snacks.

I turned to Katelyn. She looked at me. There was an awkward silence. She sighed in frustration and opened her mouth to say something. "Travis, whatever you're planning, drop it. Okay?" She grumbled. I grinned innocently at her. "What?" I asked, acting all innocent-like. "All I'm planning to do is to have a great time with you tonight." Katelyn rolled her eyes, tucking a strand of her blue hair behind her right ear.

"Drop that too. Because I don't think you're going to enjoy you're time with me tonight."


I'm sorry that chapter was short and it took me daaaayyyyssss to write. Its just that my phone broke and I have to either use the computer or another device. I decided to just use the other device. But it takes ages to write on here because there's no autocorrect and I have to always look through the chapters to make sure everything is correct. -.- But what I find the most disappointing is,

*drum roll please*

I have no emojis because this is a samsung device!! Cri cri ;-;

Anyways, I'd like to thank @Linkiful for voting! Love the profile picture, by the way. ;)



~Lulu <3

Falling For a Jerk // TravlynWhere stories live. Discover now