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To Indie_Is_Indie, my most supportive reader, for the motivating votes and comments that make my day even if they just say that the chapter I wrote was good. <3

{Few days latte...} 😏


"Heard you and some guy named Travis went on a date a few days ago."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't listen to those stupid rumors, Nicole." I told Nicole, my best friend. Nicole giggled. I sat down on my bed, cross-legged. Nicole sat next to me. "So how was it?" She asked. I rolled my eyes for the second time in a row. I was pretty sure I was going to form some very strong eye muscles if Nicole kept up with the stupid questions. "Stop it with the questions." I said through gritted teeth.

"But tell me, Katelyn. What really did you do last night?" (Wait a sec... that sounds wrong...) Nicole asked with an eyebrow raised. Finally, a less stupid question. My subconscious sighed in relief. "Oh, you know, Travis asked me if I could go with him to his parents' house. Guess he felt a little embarrassed about seeing them again. He just needed some moral support." I said nonchalantly.

Nicole's eyebrow remained raised. "Are you sure about that?" She asked suspiciously. I nodded firmly. "Yes, I am very sure, Nicole. Now shut up, you're starting to sound like Kawaii~Chan trying to find out if her ship will sail." I said. Nicole rolled her eyes. "I do not act like Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn. You know that." She said.

I laughed. "I'm just kidding around, Nicole." I said. Nicole crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Katelyn, Katelyn, Katelyn." Nicole chanted. I grinned. "Nicole, Nicole, Nicole." I chanted too.
I looked to my left and noticed that Nicole was no longer sitting right next to me. She stood by my table which had my closed laptop on it.

She was looking out the window. "Is that him?" She asked suddenly. I cocked my head a bit to the side. "Who do you mean 'him'?" I asked. Nicole pointed outside the window. I stood up and walked towards the window. I stood next to her. I only saw the backyard with our jacuzzi in it.

"What?" I said. Nicole squinted her eyes. "There was someone just there," Nicole said. I shrugged my shoulders and walked back to my bed. "You must be seeing things, Nicole." I said. Then I plopped myself down on the edge of my bed. "I'm sure of it!" Nicole said, glancing back at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

I ignored her and fished my phone out of my pocket and started playing this app game Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan got me addicted to. (Guess what that is. 😏) Suddenly, Nicole let out a gasp. I looked up from my phone. "What?" I asked, confused. Nicole ignored me. "Hey you!" She yelled, pointing at something from outside.

I stood up and decided to check out what she was looking at. I stood next to Nicole and searched the backyard from my bedroom window. I didn't see anything. "That little nitwit..." Nicole mumbled. I squinted my eyes and continued to look around the backyard. "I don't see anything." I said.

Nicole turned to me. "There was someone down there! And I'm sure of it!" She exclaimed. I took a deep breath. "I'm going to check it out." I said, feeling brave. Before Nicole could even say anything else, I barged out the door. I scurried down the stairs and went to the door leading to the backyard.

I opened it, without making a noise. I stepped out and looked around. I didn't see anything different. That was until I spotted something blackish by the hedges. I walked towards it. I crouched down and looked at it. It was a camera.

I shoved my hand into the hedge and tried to grab the camera. Finally, I could feel it. But suddenly, just as I clutched it, I felt something soft on my hand. It also felt a little warm. I froze. Then I realized it was a hand. I reacted quickly and pulled out the camera. I could hear someone let out a gasp from the other side of the hedge.

"Whoever you are, show yourself if you want your camera back." I said through clenched teeth. There was no reply. Then I heard a sigh. I heard the hedge rustling, then a figure was on top of the hedge. I looked up. Just then, the figure landed on top of me before I could react. Then I blacked out.


I opened my eyes to see an embarrassed looking Travis looking down at me. I realized then that I was no longer in the backyard. I was in the living room, lying down on the couch. I sat up and narrowed my eyes at Travis. "Wait, you were the one that Nicole kept seeing in the backyard?" I asked in disbelief.

Travis nodded slowly. "Pretty much..." He mumbled. My eyes grew wide and he laughed nervously. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING OVER THERE, TRAVIS?!" I yelled at him. Travis remained silent, still looking a bit embarrassed. I looked down and noticed that Travis' hand rested on my thigh. I slapped it away.

Travis rubbed the back of his hand with his other one. "Ouch, Katelyn! That hurt!" Travis winced. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Serves you right. Because I mean, you can't just go around sneaking into peoples' backyards!" I exclaimed. Travis laughed nervously. "What were you doing over there anyway?" I asked him, my curiosity growing. I looked over to the coffee table and noticed the camera laid on top of it.

"...And what's with the camera?"

Travis looked down in embarrassment. "I-I was just taking pictures, th-then your friend saw me. I panicked and I ran. But I left my camera behind, so I came back to get it..." Travis muttered. I opened my mouth to say something, when suddenly, someone yelled at Travis, "Stalker!"

I turned around to see Nicole on the stairs, pointing at Travis. I turned to Travis. "I-I..." Travis stuttered. I bit my lower lip. I glanced back at Nicole. "M-maybe... He actually was just taking pictures of something else instead of what you think." I said. I didn't want to accept the fact that Nicole was right. Travis remained silent.

Nicole rolled her eyes. "Okay, Katelyn. Whatever. I'm going back to your room." She said. Then she slowly walked back up the stairs and went into my room. I heard the door shut. I turned back to Travis. "Is that true?" I hissed. Travis nodded.

"Unbelievable, my friend stalks me. Just unbelievable." I said. Travis raised an eyebrow at me. "You consider me your friend?" He asked. I nodded. "But that's all you're ever going to be to me. A freaking friend. Don't start getting any ideas." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. Travis sighed.

Before Travis could react, I quickly snatched his camera from the coffee table. "Hey!" Travis cried, looking up. I opened the camera and scrolled through the pictures Travis took. It wasn't that bad.

There were just pictures of my bedroom window. I shut off the camera and tossed it back to Travis. Travis caught the camera. "I'll be leaving now." He said. He turned to leave, but I stopped him. "Wait a minute." I said. Travis turned around and raise an eyebrow. "Get rid of those creepy pictures of my bedroom window. Okay?" I said. Travis grinned and nodded.

"Okay, friend."

Then he left.


I'm running out of ideas. ;-; Halp.
By the way, I'd like to thank @Indie_Is_Indie for voting on the last chapter. There's at least one star in my night sky... ._.

Anyways, I hope ya enjoyed this chapter and see ya later!


~Lulu <3

P.S. Does anyone want any Sweet Corn? No? Okay. ;-;

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