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"Travis, honey! What are you 2 doing here?!"

I turned my head around and saw my mom, standing by the front door, right behind me and Katelyn. I smiled sheepishly. "We, uh... Had to spend the night..." I said, a bit embarrassed. "Because of the rain and stuff..." My mom furrowed her eyebrows. "Why couldn't you just open the door instead of staying out here?!" She asked furiously.

"But mom... Just like it said on the note, we had to lock the door..." I muttered. Mom shook her head in disbelief. "I'm guessing you 2 have a good reason as to why you weren't able to get in." She said in a low voice, almost growling. "When Katelyn wakes up, you 2 are going to have to leave."

"Now, excuse me please."

I nodded in reply. I scooted a little bit to the right, where Katelyn was. Mom walked down the porch steps and walked on the sidewalk. I watched as she disappeared into the distance. I sighed and looked at Katelyn. Her head rested on my shoulder.

I sighed once more. I shook her arm a little bit. But she still didn't wake up. I tried nudging it some more. She still didn't wake up. I tried whispering into her ear. "Katelyn, wake up!" I whisper-shouted.


I could feel the hot breath of someone tickle my right ear. I instantly woke up. I looked to my left and then to my right and saw Travis. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Why did you do that?!" I hissed at him. Travis chuckled. "You should've seen the look on your face!" He chuckled, pointing at me.

I scowled at him and stood up. "Come on, let's go. The rest might be wondering where we are." I said. Travis stopped laughing and pulled his hand out. "A little help." He said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and took his hand. He pulled it and stood up.

I instantly pulled away from disgust. "Sometimes I wonder if you do that on purpose or not." I remarked. Travis chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Come on." I motioned for him to start walking. He obeyed and I followed after him.


We finally arrived at our houses. We said goodbye to each other and went the opposite ways. I climbed up the porch steps and rang the doorbell. "Kawaii~Chan's coming!" A high pitched voice yelled. I instantly knew it was Kawaii~Chan's. The door opened and revealed Kawaii~Chan in a maid outfit.

"Off to work so soon?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded. "Yup. Kawaii~Chan's off to work! But she still needs to eat breakfast. If you would like, Katelyn-Sama, Kawaii~Chan can make you some toast." Kawaii~Chan said. I nodded in reply. Kawaii~Chan stepped aside and I stepped in the house.

"Kawaii~Chan will be at the kitchen just in case you need her." Kawaii~Chan said then went into the kitchen. I went to the living room and climbed up the stairs. I walked towards Aphmau's door and banged loudly on it. "Whoever that is can you please be patient?!" An annoyed and angry Aphmau yelled.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door opened and I saw Aphmau standing in front of me in her pyjamas. One of her eyebrows was raised. "Yes, Katelyn?" She asked through gritted teeth. "I kept calling you last night but you wouldn't answer! I badly needed help, Aphmau!" I exclaimed in anger.

Aphmau's face softened and she mustered a soft, "Sorry, Katelyn...". I sighed. "Come in." Aphmau mumbled. I stepped in. Then I closed the door behind me. "What were you doing last night anyways?" I asked, my voice softening. Aphmau froze. "I- umm...." She muttered. I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. Aphmau said in a very soft voice, almost like a whisper to me. "Is Kawaii~Chan still here?" She asked.

There was a confused look on my face. "What does she have to do with this?" I asked. Aphmau sighed. "Its because I was with Aaron last night, watching movies at his hou-" Aphmau whispered but was cut off with a shriek. I turned around to see where it came from. It came from an astonished looking Kawaii~Chan who held the door half open with one hand and held a plate of toast in another.

"Aph-Aphmau-S-Senpai was w-with AARON-KUN?!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed. My eyes grew wide and so did Aphmau's. Kawaii~Chan dropped the plate and it shattered into a million pieces, and the piece of toast laid on the floor. "K-KAWAII~CHAN'S SH-SHIP!!! KAWAII~CH-CHAN'S SHIP IS SAIL-SAILING~!" Kawaii~Chan squealed while running down the stairs, flailing her hands in the air.

Aphmau sighed, looking down at the toast and broken plate on the floor. "So much for trying to keep that from Kawaii~Chan..." She muttered. I grinned. Aphmau looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "Well, she's eventually going to find out sooner or later." I stated. Aphmau shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "Eh, you're right, Katelyn." Aph said.

"I'm always right."


Hope ya enjoy the chapter! This chapter is dedicated to the Aarmau fans reading this. <3



~Lulu <3

P.S. --

RIP Piece of Toast
"Delicious, but never eaten. Brief, but never forgotten."

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