36. "We did it."

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I swallowed another time and curled up my hair in a bun, gazing at myself in the mirror. My pale face looked paler than it ever was, my red hair were fading into brown or so it seemed. My green eyes that sparkled looking at the guy I love, were in a shade of dead leaves.
But all this face now ever had was the determination of getting justice for Edward. I, with my stone face glanced out of the window of my room. The fall was here and the weather was beautiful. The downpour hasn't stopped since this morning and it hasn't been just gloomy for me, it has been dull too.

I sat on my bed, all ready in my trousers and loose T-shirt waiting for Derek and Leila. It was funny, I thought. I always imagined my day back at my home exciting and happy. But all I wanted to do was get out of here. I felt like the four walls of that room were closing on me.

Pushing the depressing thoughts aside, I thought about what I had to do once we reach The Davis's Mansion. It was a task requiring a lot of courage and selflessness. I never thought of myself as that girl, you know. I never was this brave.

Things that love do to us!

A honk caught my attention and I escaped the closing walls as soon as I could. Reaching the pavement outside my home, I found Derek's car waiting for me. I hopped in the back seat and gave them a dry smile. The weakness on Derek's face made me feel so guilty. I didn't even know why I felt guilty. On the other side, Leila looked concerned too but beautiful as always. I gazed at both of them for a moment and then looked away. My eyes moved out of the window as the car engine roared to life and started travelling at a really fast speed. I didn't even care. I just wanted to reach the mansion as soon as I could and get this all over with. I talked to Mr. Davis already and gave him all the proofs he needed to see to believe that Karen was the one behind all this. They were small things but now he could see the bitch behind the mask clearly. It just saddened me that he didn't trust Edward before. This all wouldn't have happened if he would have trusted him.

Sighing, I closed my eyes. It's going to be a long ride.

When I woke up we were only five minutes away from the mansion. I drank some water and wetted my throat. I was going to say so many things. And not only from my throat, but from my heart.

Derek dropped us in front of the main door and went to park the car. I puffed out some air and rubbed my palms together, smiling at no one in particular.

"You nervous?" Leila asked as we started approaching the door.

"Nah," I waved my arm and answered.

We didn't speak a word after that. I rang the door bell as we waited for someone to answer and also, for Derek to come back.

The huge brown door in front of us was pulled open by Mrs. Davis, her eyes swollen and expressions surprised to see us.

"Leila! Anna! Hello," she greeted us with an attempt to smile but failed miserably.

"Hello, we've come to see Mr. Davis." I spoke formally, quite coldly I think.

"Oh, hello you guys." Derek joined us then, breathing heavily.

"Come in," Mrs. Davis said, her voice sore.

She then turned around and walked inside. I looked at Leila who had a painful expression on her face, her eyes turned towards me too. We shared a look and then, started moving inside. Derek joined our pace.

We were escorted to the family room by a servant and when we reached there, everyone's neck turned towards us.

I wasn't surprised to see anyone. This was all kind of already planned. There was Mr. And Mrs. Davis, Trevor, Karen, her mother and their family lawyer.

The Perfect Messحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن