22. "It's not your mistake, Karen."

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Ever happened to you?
You are peeing and having the best feeling of the world when you're alone at home and the door bell rings. It's happening to me, well.

"I'm coming!" I shouted out, but cursed under my breath when realized this room was sound proof.
I put on my underwear and pajama shorts fast and ran downstairs.
Brushing my hair with my own hand I made myself look presentable enough.
And then I pulled the door open with a click.

"Hi," smiled a tired looking Karen. Shock was too visible on my face, I understood because Karen looked a little uncomfortable by my expressions.

"Hey, sorry! Come in." I spoke out finally. A smile formed on my face as I said this. A fake and tight lipped one.

She walked in and towards the living room.

So she knows the way here?

Off course, she knew! She would have come here before than me. I mentally slapped my forehead. I watched her walk, insecurity evident on my face when I saw her nude color dress fitted on her body perfectly. Her hair were flawlessly black, her legs were so damn sexily tanned. She was perfection. And so was Edward.

Yes, they did belong together. .

"Is he home?" She asked me, when we sat in the living room.

"No, but he's gonna come in maybe fifteen minutes. You can wait," I replied, trying to sound as sweet as I could.

She wasn't responsible for this baby and my helpless love for Edward.

"Actually I was going to have a coffee. Would you like one?" I asked. I didn't know why I was being so much formal now. We became friends back then. Maybe it was because I didn't love Edward that time.

"Sure, a black coffee." She smiled and I was again jealous of how gorgeous she looked while smiling.
I headed to the kitchen alone, blaming my outfit now. If only I wasn't wearing an oversized shirt with pajama shorts!
I was even getting fatter. My boobs were so much bigger, my thighs were fatter.

I sighed, preparing the coffee.

"Nothing has changed over here," Karen's voice surprised me. She stood at the doorway of the kitchen now.

"Oh," I muttered, smiling again. Was I smiling too much?

"It's so sad last time I came here was with Erica. We were dressing up for the party...her last party," her voice turned into a breaking whisper on the last words. She looked so much guilty and I felt damn sorry for her situation. I can't imagine losing my best friend because of my own mistake.

"It's not your mistake, Karen." I shook my head and uttered. She looked at me once again, faint lines of the bags under her eyes visible now. So it was all makeup hiding her true self?

"I wish it wasn't." She said with pursed lips and then stared outside the window. I continued making coffee as I didn't know what else to do. I was way too awkward for comforting her.

"Coffee," I gave her the mug of coffee and she took if from me smiling again.

For five minutes, we stayed silent and just drank our respected coffees.
And then she broke the silence "So, how many days left in your contract of the project?"

"A week," I told her. She curved her lips in an 'o' and then drank her coffee again. I felt as if she didn't like Edward and I living in the same house. I looked down at my feet and then again at her.

"You don't need to worry, Karen. There's like...Edward don't see me that way.." I wanted to say more but trailed off by her innocent expressions.

"Anna...I'm not his girlfriend..." She spoke. "I want to but I don't deserve him now. I don't have a right to say in this."

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