5. "Weren't you supposed to smell my fart today morning?"

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"Anna West, you're going to forget to keep your phone charger!" Mom shouted the same thing for the umpteenth time from the living room. I groaned and rolled my eyes at her. I kept the last thing in my forth bag, that was, my comfortable vans. I chose to wear my professional black boots with my white buttoned down shirt and black trousers. Mr Davis said we were going in a private jet with six more people. The six extra people were also with us and very business oriented ones, so he especially asked me to dress impeccable. I chose my most simple yet professional clothes. I just hoped it wasn't too much or too less. Our jet leaves at 5 PM. That meant I still had three good hours after packing all of my stuff.
I still can't believe I'm going to Manhattan to live...in a Penthouse apartment...with a jerk.


With finishing packing the last bag, I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair were up in a messy bun right now but I was thinking about tying them in a clean pony. Or should I leave them open? My almost red hair were too good to tie. So I decided I'll leave them open. With a smile on my face, I started brushing my hair.

"Damn you, Anna! You haven't put any eyeliner? Friendship over!!!"

My favorite girl was standing at the door of my bedroom, whining about my lack of makeup skills again.
I rolled my eyes...again.

"Leila, you're not supposed to look like a model at your workplace." I spoke; looking at her from the mirror.

"At least you can attract the sexy people around with some amount of makeup!" She pouted while saying that as she made her way towards me.
Without asking me, she opened my dresser and took out some makeup equipments from inside. My insides started freaking out about it. I didn't like too much makeup and my best friend pretty much was on her way to marry makeup.
But wait a minute...does she know something?

"Sexy people? What do you mean?" My face frowned asking her this.

"Oh don't think I don't know about your hot new partner! Genevieve filled me in with it already!" She grinned and exclaimed.

Oh there you go!

"First of all, he's not hot, he's a jerk, a perverted one! And an asshole too. I hate him...and I'm not a bit glad about him being with me." My teeth gritted against each other while my voice spoke.

"Oh my...Are you stupid? He's not hot? He's HOT with all the three words capital, my dear. I saw him on the Google and he's like a Calvin Klein model hot!" She exclaimed it all in a dreamy voice.

"Now you're exaggerating. I agree he's hot...but plain hot. And then his jerkish behaviour makes me forget about his looks, like totally!" I finished brushing my hair and sat down on the stool. She started applying eye liner.

"What the hell he's even done?" I heard her asking.

"Oh dude... Remember I told you about the guy I met in jail? The one who-" I was saying but she'd already cut me till that.

"Who made you furious as fuck and made you want to kill everything and everyone around. Yeah, I remember!" She giggled at the end, saying.

"He was Edward Davis!" I sighed.

"Jesus! Really? But-but that's big news....Edward Davis in jail... How can he? He's such a big man.. No you're mistaken!" She freaked out, standing in front of me with hands on hips.

"He was definitely the same. He even talked about the other night on Monday in the office." I rolled my eyes at my gossip girl.

"Well, then I think there's something fishy about it. Marcus Davis is probably doing a good job in paying the cops to keep their mouths shut." She smirked and said; nodding her head like she has solved a mystery. I laughed out at her for over thinking.

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