28. "It was beautiful."

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As far as my knowledge, I knew Edward usually spent his Thursday evenings in the office aka the new hotel. So that's why here I was in my car sitting and trying to decide what to actually say in front of him. Although he was the one that should be nervous and afraid because he was at the fault. But due to the fact that I loved that guy to death and he intimidated me very much, I found myself still nervous.
Sighing, I stepped my feet on the pavement and got out of the car. Hiding even the slightest hint of nervousness or worry on my face, I made my way inside the hotel.

The hotel staff knew me so well that I could see some of them grinning, some waving at me. Diana, the receptionist girl almost ran up to me to catch up. I paused on my way and smiled to her.

"Annabelle," she greeted me. "How have you been? We miss you over here."

"I'm perfectly fine. And I'm sorry I can't join here again. You know the reason." I told her, my lips thinned in a line.

"Yeah, we all know. So what's the special occasion you visited us?" Her face lit up with a smile and she questioned me.

"I need to see Edward. Is he here?" I asked hoping to get a positive answer.

"No, Sir isn't here. He just left an hour ago. But Miss Walter has been here in his place handling some of his work."

My body froze at its position. Karen was here? What the hell was she handling? She knew nothing about business! I had a doubt she would do something good. There's definitely something fishy.

"Oh." I normally replied. "Can you tell me where exactly she is right now?" I asked.

"She's in Mr Davis's office."

And that's how I got the information I needed. I thanked her and walked towards the room. No. Not the office. I went straight to the room where all the CCTV footages were recorded. I needed to know what she was doing in there.
I entered the room and saw two men sitting over there. Oh thank the lords one of them was Andrew.

I let out a painful groan and dramatically sat on the couch behind their chairs.

"Miss West, what's wrong?" Andrew asked me. "Are you alright?"

"I...I need water with some electrolyte..." I voiced out, holding my head with both the hands.

"Okay, I'll go get it."

Fate helped me and the other man exited the room getting help for me. As soon as he was out of sight, I ended the act.

"Okay Andrews, I need your help."

He looked at me quizzically but soon enough when I explained to him what I wanted to do, he agreed. See, these people trusted me.

Almost immediately he showed me the footage of Edward's office where Karen was fiddling through some papers. But who caught my attention was another girl sitting on the couch, the laptop in front of her. She was typing something in it. Karen said something but all I could hear was...well nothing.

"Can't we hear what they're talking?" I asked.

"Yeah we can." He nodded. "Just a sec."

He did something and in a matter of seconds, I could hear the other girl's voice.

"-can't help it. And that way only we can get Edward to do this." The blonde headed said.

"I'll get these signed by Edward tonight easily. He trusts me too much." Karen replied coolly, leaning back in her chair.

The Perfect MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora