10. "Baked rotten mice with lice as toppings"

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The next morning, I woke up early with a sharp pain in my belly. I curled up into a small ball and cried in pain, knowing the worst days of my life are here. I breathed heavily again and again for more air and pushed away the blankets. This happened every time my period occurred. I felt like I couldn't breathe because of the pain all over my body. I have got cramps in my abdominal and my legs felt like jelly...freezing jelly. My head hurt and my mouth continuously let out groans and screams.
I needed mom...where's mom..

"Hey, are you okay?" A sleepy voice, from the doorstep of my room asked. I opened my heavy eyelids and saw a very awkward Edward at the door. I shook my head and closed eyes again, pressing my belly with my hands.

"Oh." Was all he could mutter.

After several more cries out of my mouth, he couldn't anymore control. He walked towards me and sat on my bed, keeping a hand on my head. I immediately felt warm.

"Just breathe, Belle. You need to breathe calmly, not heavily." He kept rubbing on my forehead while instructing me. It wasn't at all embarrassing, if anything, I felt extremely comfortable and better. I followed his commands and breathed calmly.

"Now lay on your stomach..." He said.

I tried to turn but my bad arm suddenly hurt and I winced in pain.

"Easy," he held me up and helped me turn back. Then he covered me with blankets and kept rubbing my back. I moaned as another sharp pain occurred.

"Stay, alright?" He asked, and I nodded.

After that, he left for somewhere. I cried again "Edward...no don't leave me alone. It hurts..."

My eyes left tears at that. I heard his concerned voice from my bathroom.
"Just a minute, Belle."

I made a face and kept rubbing my belly while trying to breathe normally. After a few minutes, I was falling asleep again. But the pain was still there, making me feel disgusting.
Suddenly, I felt two strong arms carrying me somewhere. I opened my eyes slowly to see Edward carrying me towards the bathroom.

"Ed.." I whispered but he shushed me.

"You should take a warm bath." He suggested and I nodded, imagining a heavenly, warm and comforting bath in my person en suite dream bathroom. He placed me on the counter of the sink of the bathroom and stood between my legs like that. My both hands were still on his shoulders and with that, a huge awkward moment engulfed us. We were stating into each other's eyes, his' ocean blue were filled with worry and mine filled with desire to unravel the mystery - him.

I didn't know why I found him immensely attractive like that. I know what was coming - another one of my stupid crushes that would never turn into something meaningful. This happened very often. I developed crushes on random people I knew, admired them for a little while and then one day, they're suddenly not interesting anymore. It was a good feeling to have crushes. It never even pained to have crushes.

But I didn't know why in that moment, his eyes told me this crush was going to hurt me little more than usual.

"Your bath's ready." He uttered, taking two steps away from me. I snapped my eyes to the huge bath tub with warm water and cute bubbles. I smiled knowing that he has done it for me.

"Thank you, Edward. It means a lot.." I said, placing a hand on my belly again, groaning inside a little.

"Don't mention. I'll ...um go now.." He stupidly smiled and said, and then left looking nonchalant as ever.

"Stupid." I whispered and jumped down from the counter, closing the door behind me. Closing my eyes, I gulped down the pain in my body again and dressed out of my clothes. Then I stepped in the warm water and welcomed the sweet sleep.

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