11. "Oh, kill me for being so awkward!"

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Unlike I had imagined, Leila wasn't taking Kyle's marriage so badly. That didn't mean she wasn't hurt. She was, deeply. But it looked like she could handle it.
Saturday night, we all decided on a movie night. After the movie, Leila started to drink and Derek joined her. Edward and I sat there awkwardly not touching the alcohol. I asked him if he didn't drink, and he told me 'only occasionally'.
I found it good. He was a man of limits, something you would never find in America!

Sunday morning, both our best friends suffered hangovers and drank lemonade and ate cereal while we teased them eating our nutella sandwiches.

Leila and I had some heart to heart talk about how she was feeling and she said she was better by being here. She told me she's gonna try and move on and be happy for Kyle.
I also thought it was best for her to do that.

But I didn't mean like this.

When I walked down for lunch from my room, I saw two horny youngsters half naked in the living room, kissing furiously.
The sexual tension had resulted in both the idiots having sex.

"Ew, gross! Get a room!" I put my good hand on my eyes and tried to run away from that room ASAP.

They didn't even reply. I heard screaming and moaning in return.

"They got it too bad, huh?" Edward asked me, coming out of his study.

"Disgusting," I scrunched up my face, expressing my feelings towards our best friends.

"So do you randomly hook up with guys too?" He asked me as we made our way towards kitchen together. We both were hungry, I guess.

I felt my cheeks heating up.
"Um no...and generally Leila isn't like that too...she must really like Derek to do that," I replied.

"Well, too bad. Derek's a player." He smiled sympathetically at me and I closed my eyes, sighing and praying that she doesn't end up getting hurt again.

After a few minutes, I heard some crockery voices.

"What're you doing?" I asked, standing up from the stool.

"It's called cooking. Ever heard of it?" He asked, smirking and showing me the adorable dimple.

"Where's Mrs Roberts?" I asked, "she was there for breakfast!"

"She only cooks breakfast on weekends. She takes the rest of the day off," he shrugged, and I saw him pouring oil in a frying pan.

"Oh, may I help you with something?" I asked, joining him at the counter.

"Off course! You thought I was doing it alone?" I heard him say and I rolled my eyes at his jerkish behavior again.

"Fine, let's do it." I rubbed my hands together and wore an apron.

Within an hour, we were finished with three delicious dishes. We made Caesar salad, Steak frites and wild mushroom soup. Odd combination, I know, but it was all mouth watering.

Leila and Derek entered the kitchen when we were just serving everything.

"What a combination of lunch, Anna." Leila sat on her seat, smelling the food and commenting.

"Wonderful choice of guy, Lei." I commented back, chuckling.

"He's an asshole." She muttered under her breath.

"I heard that, bitch." Derek sat near her, scowling and angry.

"Oh you're not that good in bed, all right?" She snapped back.

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