3. "Wait a min, my partner is hot?"

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I was crying my heart out right now. Because I hated injections.

"No, please don't kill me with that needle." I cried as I tried to shoo away the doctor who wanted to inject me with that dangerous tool.

"Just a minute, dear." He said and inserted the needle inside me.

Oh God. I just died.

I screamed so loudly that the three persons holding my hands and legs left them and put their hands on their ears. I grabbed the opportunity to push the doctor away but he already sucked my blood in the injection till that.

I started crying loudly; keeping my face in my palms.

From the last two days, I'm sick as hell. I couldn't handle alcohol well. My hangover didn't leave my hand till two days and I was now tired of puking. The headache I was suffering was impossible to explain.
I had too much time to think in these two days. And it ended my mind to think that I was a simple girl and alcohol wasn't my cup of tea.

After two days of my constant sickness, my over protective parents freaked out and called a doctor for blood tests. They were doubtful that I was pregnant.

Yeah right.

Like I even lost my virginity yet. But they didn't know this. And they didn't need to know. They'll think of me as a lesbian because in today's world, no one who is 24 stays a virgin.

"Jeez! Her voice is like a sharp pain in my head." My younger brother, Reece said; holding his head dramatically. My eyes left more tears at that. I was getting too emotional nowadays and oh God my parents assumed that as one of the pregnancy symptoms. They even asked to give my urine samples to the doctor. I did that after two hours of whining, off course!

"At least you weren't near her face when she screamed." My younger sister, Madeline said this time screeching her voice on purpose. This was one of her many bad habits.

"Okay stop it now. She's just scared little daughter of mine. Come here, baby." Dad offered ne a hug and I happily adjusted my small body in his huge arms.

I sobbed softly in his embrace and he just rubbed my back.

"You sure you're not pregnant Anna?" Reece asked.

"No you sick pig! I don't have sex every other day like you." I shouted at him; crying more.

"Okay that was rude." He pouted.

"Lunch's ready!" Mom's voice reached our ears and my siblings happily hopped out of the room.

"I'll get your lunch here," dad said.

"No, I'll come out. Its okay dad." I smiled at him and told him.

"Mr West, I'll get you the reports till evening." The doctor spoke.

Why the hell was my rival still here?

I glared at him as dad got up and paid him his fees.

After that, dad left for outside and I followed him, holding my head. We all gathered on the dining table and sat to eat. Seeing in front of me a lot of delicious dishes, I smiled wholeheartedly.

"Mom, you know I hate fish." Madeline whined and pouted.

"There's spaghetti for you, Darling." Mom exclaimed; sitting on her chair too.

She grinned and started eating her meal.

That's what we were like. Perfect.

My mom was the best cook ever. She was actually best in every thing she did. She was a fashion designer and we loved her designs. She always made us wear the best of her collections since childhood. We were so thankful to her for that.
Dad, on the other side was the perfect husband and the perfect father. He never disappointed us, always made time for us and mom. He was a lawyer and despite his busy schedule, he managed to do everything on time for us and with us.

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