20. "Ah! Sweet, sweet revenge!"

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"You may kiss the bride now..."

Kyle leaned in, smiling adorably at Kate and they kissed. I smiled at them but my eyes still were focused at my right - at my best friend.
She looked relatively normal. I knew she had Derek now but we can't just see and be happy for the person we loved more than four years getting married. I understood her feelings and respected them.
I was gladdest because Derek also understood that.

After a while, we all applauded and then Derek took Leila away from all the people. I let them go and watched them standing at a distance. I saw as Derek cupped her cheeks and said something to her, she started sniffing after that. My chest tightened at the sight of her crying but then I saw her smiling like an idiot and hugging Derek.
My eyes pooled up with tears and I looked away, with a sad smile.

"I'm glad she found someone to hold her up," I heard a familiar voice saying. I looked next to me and saw Trevor looking at them too.

"Yeah, she's suffered so much. She just needs to be happy now." I said, softly.

"And what about you, Anna? Don't you deserve happiness?" His voice sounded cold suddenly.
I turned to him completely with a confused frown on face.
"What do you mean, Trevor?"

"I saw how you look at him...at Edward. Why can't he see it?" His voice softened again, eyes full with worry.

"It's none of your business, all right?" I snapped and turned back to walk away.
But I was stopped by Edward, who was standing just where I walked a step to go. He smiled warmly at me, sipping some drink from a glass.

"You look good," he said.

I looked down at my attire, at my sky blue colored gown and then up at him again. He wore a black blazer.

"You look bad," I replied back.

He rolled his eyes and took a step towards me to say something but before he could, I heard Trevor say behind me "Anna, we were talking."

"But I don't want to talk right now, Trevor. We'll talk later," I turned my neck towards him and said with gritting teeth. I even gave him 'the look' saying 'not now'!

"But I do. I'll not be able to meet you then. I'll miss you," he said, looking directly in my eyes. I scrunched up my nose and he smirked at me.

Why the hell was he saying all this?

"Just go, Trevor." I muttered and turned back to see Edward walking away.

"Ed-" I almost called him.

"See? He likes you too," Trevor said.

"What the hell? Why do you say that?" I screamed, not feeling good anymore suddenly.

"Aw come on, didn't you look at his expressions when I told you I'll miss you? He was giving me the she's-mine-back-off look, babe." He smirked again, talking absolute crap.

"Edward would never do that! I know him so well." I snapped angrily and walked away stomping my feet.

But my heels weren't helping at all.

A moment later, I found Edward on the bar sipping another drink. I made my way towards him and he saw me coming towards him. He smiled at me again, but this lacked the warmness. I narrowed my eyes at him and asked "what's up? Why'd you leave?"

"I didn't want to disturb your romance with your lover boy," he smirked, saying.


The Perfect MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora