34. "Damn woman, keep quiet!"

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Anxiety took over me when I realized Karen just locked me inside the bathroom.

I would be locked all night. In here.

That meant I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on her. Anything could happen out there. Anything. Oh screw that! This wasn't good for my health! And my baby...

Oh God!

I started banging the door hardly, screaming for help. I somewhere hoped someone would hear me and let me free.

"Help me!" I shouted with all my anger. "Open the damn door!!!"

Ten minutes passed. No one answered. No one came to help me. Cause no one heard me.

Twenty minutes passed. I gave up. I sat down on one of the stools, gasping for air. I was hyperventilating. My heart beat was outrageous, heart ready to explode any moment out of the chest. Tears started slipping down my cheeks. I felt so helpless.

Why is Edward not here? Didn't he see me missing?

I wiped my tears and tried to make my breathing normal. I was sweating and shaking. I was thirsty. I was feeling weak. I needed to do something. But what could I do? There was no window here. Nothing.

I kept sitting there, resting my back against the wall and breathing silently.

I heard a commotion somewhere around. My eyelids felt heavy for a second and in a moment I realized that I was asleep.

I fell asleep?

Opening eyes hurriedly, I stood up and glanced around.

I couldn't believe I fell asleep!

Just then I heard another commotion. It was coming from Edward's room. Hope woke up inside me and I hasted towards the door. Knocking on it furiously, I shouted.
"Open the door! Help me!"

"Damn woman, keep quiet!" I heard a familiar voice.

"Jason!" I called out and the door opened to reveal all dressed up Jason.

Without giving it a second thought, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him.
"Thank you so much!"

"Yeah yeah, no problem." He arrogantly said and we pulled away awkwardly.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but-"

"How did you find out I was here? Did Edward tell you?" I threw more questions at him.

"I heard Karen and Jessica talk." He simply replied and held my wrist with his palm. He slowly dragged me out in the room and then it the corridor.

"Something was going to happen tonight. And if nothing has yet then what's going to happen now?" I was so scared inside, I started blabbering.

"Shut your mouth, Anna!" He violently tightened his grip around my wrist and stopped in his tracks, whisperingly shouting.
"I've a strong feeling there's a bomb planted behind the stage, where Edward or his father is gonna speak. We can only find out if it's there or not by going in Karen's room. I heard her ask Jessica if she brought the remote. And she didn't." With this, he started dragging me along again.
"We just need to reach there before Jess does."

I nodded with my mouth shut because he was right, this isn't the time for being scared or nervous.

We climbed a flight of stairs and then turned left towards a Hall. Crossing the hall, a corridor came into sight. We entered the first room to the right and there we were, standing in Karen's room.

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