29. "This is ridiculous!"

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I didn't know that he knew. Damn.

Yes, Edward knew about Karen's intentions. Can you freaking believe it?

When I told him that Karen was using him and he should stay away, he just smiled at me and nodded saying that he knew. My jaw dropped and I continued to stare at him like a fool for five minutes. And then I slapped him.

"Then why the fuck are you marrying her?" I cried out at him.

"Its not that easy. She needs to realize how wrong she is and end all this. I'm doing something which will make her realize. She's not a bad person otherwise, just greedy." He calmly replied.

Why was he so fucking calm?

"Greedy? Greedy? She did all those dirty things for-" I stopped mid sentence as I realized Edward didn't know about what she did all those years back then. He only knows about what she's doing right now.

"Edward, how did you find out about her?" I asked him, calm now.

"I heard her talking to someone on phone two days ago. She was mentioning that she'll get me to sign the property papers and snatch away my business," he rolled his eyes. "Only if she knew I do not own any of the properties yet."

I looked down, disappointed. I knew I should tell him all about that bitch. But I just had a feeling he'll react very badly. But that's the right thing to do.

Now. Or. Never.

"Edward..." I sighed and called out. "I need you to listen to this recording."

He nodded and we sat on the couch. I played the tape and sat frozen on my place, giving him time to listen and register.

After ten minutes my phone was thrown away and was broken into hundreds of pieces. Edward kicked the table in front of us and it slid across the hall, smashed with the wall and broke too.

My eyes were wide and big, shocked at his reaction. Before I could stop him, he'd already thrown a vase towards the window. The vase broke and fell on the floor, shattering into bits.

"EDWARD, STOP!" I shrieked and pulled his elbow towards me in attempt to stop him from doing anything stupid.
"Please, don't. Just stop." My voice broke at this and as he suddenly froze at his place, I hugged him from behind.
My face rested on the back of his shoulder and hands wrapped tightly around his torso, making him stay.

"I know it's hard." I whispered.
"My reaction was so numb when I came to know about this...but-" my voice choked again. "But we need to stay strong and...and punish her for her deeds."

His body relaxed slightly. I took this opportunity to let go and look at him. I made his body turn and glanced at his face. The sight was heartbreaking. His face looked so tired and broken. He wasn't able to handle the betrayal. I could see through him that he was so hurt that his own best friend killed his sister. The anger was just a part of it. But the pain was so much more.

"She deserves to die." Suddenly, his eyes seemed darker than ever. The ocean blue eyes were now the shade of midnight blue. The rage in them was unknown to me. I was so scared of the expression his face held right now.
"I'll kill her too."

"NO! Edward, shut up! What are you saying? You cant-" I couldn't complete my words as he pushed me and started walking towards the first room. I followed him in equal pace and caught up with him.

"You can't do this, Edward. You can't ruin your future for this." I pleaded, holding on his elbow again.

"Leave my hand," he said. His voice was laced with coldness. It was the same tone he used that night to call me a 'bitch'.

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