sixty four

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Jungkook POV
I rubbed my eyes and I saw Taehyung hyung had his arm wrapped around me and we were sleeping on the couch.

I looked at his beautiful features. I was so mesmerised in looking at him that I didnt know I was slowly leaning in forward

"Oh my god!" Jin hyung yelled coming down from his room,"why are you sleeping on the couch?"

"I guess we just fell asleep here" I blushed at my self as I was in Taehyung hyung's embrace and I was so about to kiss him. I'm glad no one saw that.

then suddenly,Taehyung hyung woke up. he slowly rubbed his eyes and,"morning" he said in his husky morning voice.

shit shit shit shit shit. He sounded so hot. If I was a girl id be pregnant by now.

"u-uh morning" I managed to say and jumped out of his embrace.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After washing my face,and slightly frowned when I looked at my phone's calendar and only 5 days were left until we go back to our trainee lives.

Taehyung POV
"okay, I have these last 5 days planned out for us and today, all of you can do whatever you want" Jin hyung said

we all nodded,"I'm going to sleep" Suga hyung said

"we guessed" we all shrugged

I wanted to talk to Jimin so I motioned him to come over to me. He walked towards me and smiled,"what's wrong?"

"let's go to the balcony" I said and he nodded

We sat down on the chairs and he said,"what happened?"

"well, I have a little plan and I wanted to tell you that" I said

"Tell meeeee" he squealed

I whispered the whole plan in his ear and when I was finished,"wow that's amazing!" he said

"really?" I smiled

He nodded,"But are you sure this'll work?" I asked

"It has to, I mean it's great" he said

I smiled,hoping that my plan would work.

mhmmmmmmm exams are doneeeeeeee!
expect more chapters coming your way😏🌚

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