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Jungkook happily skipped through the halls to find Taehyung. He saw Taehyung at his locker and frowned when he saw a few girls around him. He pushed his way to Taehyung. "Taetae~" Jungkook said cutely

"Oh Jungkook" Taehyung said

"Who is this?" "Isn't this his ex?" Jungkook heard the girls whispering

"We're back together so continue with your life" Jungkook stated

The girls just scoffed and went away

"Why weren't you pushing the girls away?" Jungkook asked Taehyung after the girls went away

"Oh..uh.i didn't see them" Taehyung said while taking his books out of his locker

Jungkook just shrugged. "Are you free tonight? Let's go out." Jungkook said and looked up to Taehyung

"Okay" Was all Taehyung said

"Let's go to the park" Jungkook said

Taehyung just nodded. Jungkook held Taehyung's hand tightly but Taehyung's hand was loosely holding the younger's.

They arrived in the class room. Jungkook met eyes with Jimin but he just quickly looked away causing Jimin to sigh.

They went to their seats and sat. Taehyung didn't say anything or do anything. He just stared at the whiteboard the whole first 3 periods. Jungkook wanted to ask Taehyung why he was quiet but it was Mr Jung's lesson and he'd get extra detention if he spoke. So he just kept quiet

Lunch was here and Jimin was looking at Jungkook but he ignored it. Jungkook went out the class with Taehyung.
Jungkook POV
  Me and Taehyung went to the canteen to get food when a slightly taller male approached us.

"So he's the one?" The stranger smirked while looking at me

Taehyung just rolled his eyes but the stranger pulled Taehyung by the ear and whispered something. Taehyung sighed and nodded. Then the stranger just slightly smirked and left.

"Who was that?" I asked Taehyung

"It was no one"

"But he just talked to you"

"He's just a ... Friend"

"What did he say to you?"


"Why won't you tell me?"

"You don't need to know"

I just sighed knowing that he wouldn't tell me so I just gave up. "Fine then" I said

Lunch ended pretty fast. We had boring lessons then.
The bell rang meaning school ended!! I was happy to go back home with Taehyung but I realised I had detention cause I was late. I mentally cursed and slowly packed my school bag.

"Let's go?" Taehyung said

I shooked my head and said "I have detention"

He slowly nodded. "I won't be able to go home with you but don't forget to come to the park at 7:30 okay?" I said

"Okay" He slightly smiled and went

I sighed. I thought he'd stay and wait for me like he used to before but he didn't

45 minutes of torture ended. I stretched and went back home. I was tired but I was excited to meet Taehyung again! I just saw him 45 mins ago but I can't help it I love him too much!

I changed into something comfy since the park was a 3 minute walk from my house. It was 7:00 but I was already at the park waiting for him to come.

3rd person POV

Jungkook patiently waited for Taehyung to come. Minutes had passed but Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. It was 7:49 pm but Taehyung was not there yet. 'He must be running late' Jungkook said trying to be optimistic

It was 8:21 pm already but Taehyung had still not come. Jungkook still waited hoping he'd come. But he didn't.

Jungkook sighed. Then his phone vibrated.

From Taehubby❤️❤️
sorry can't come. I'm busy

To Taehubby❤️❤️
It's okay I'm busy too

Jungkook typed which was obviously a lie. He didn't wanted to let Taehyung feel guilty

Jungkook stood up and just went back home. He didn't even eat dinner since he had lost his appetite. He just went to his bed room lying on his bed.

'Was taking Taehyung back a mistake?' Jungkook questioned himself right before falling asleep.

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