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He saw Taehyung making out with a girl. She looked slutty as she was wear booty shorts and a shirt which basically had the shortness of her bra. They were intensely making out. He saw Taehyung as he trailed his hands around her waist. Jimin took his phone and took his picture.

Jimin mentally cursed when he realised that his phone was not on silent and he's flash was on. Taehyung and the girl looked at Jimin with wide eyes. Jimin could tell the girl was embarrassed as she was hiding her face.

Jimin quickly sprinted out of the classroom. He was glad he got the pictures. Where as Taehyung left the girl there and ran to find Jimin but couldn't find him. He left the girl there and went to find Jungkook hoping that Jimin hadn't got to Jungkook yet.

As Jimin got out of the school he saw Jungkook still waiting for Taehyung. Jimin felt extremely bad. He ran to Jungkook but stopped when he saw Taehyung back hugging Jungkook.  Jimin went up to them.

"Yah! Let go" Jimin said

Jungkook looked at Jimin confused.

"Jungkookie let's go~" Taehyung said as he let out a nervous laugh

"Jungkook can you please come with me for a while" Jimin pleaded

Jungkook was going to nod when Taehyung pulled Jungkook and said "Jungkook I need to go fast. Hurry up pleaseee"

"Jimin you can tell me tomorrow today I'll be going with Taehyung okay?" Jungkook said

"But-" Jimin was about to protest but Taehyung quickly pulled Jungkook away,Jimin watched the pair as they went.

Jimin quickly went home. He sighed. He looked through the pictures again. Anger rose up but he calmed down as he thought of tomorrow. He was sure after he shows Jungkook these pictures Jungkook will have to believe him and leave Taehyung for good.

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