fifty six

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Taehyung/Taewook POV
I woke up facing Jungkook. Our faces were extremely close together.

Jimin hyung probably slept over at Yoongi hyung's room.

Jungkook had his leg over me, making it impossible for me to move.

I didn't know what to do, "Jungkook" I whispered slowly. He still didn't wake up. I nudged him a few times but he still didn't wake up.

I tried getting out of his grip but he would groan and just hold me tighter. I tried for 15 more minutes but no success.

I gave up I stayed their looking at him and suddenly he woke up,"Enjoying the view" he smirked

"What no!" I denied

"Mkay" He said and hugged me as he placed his head on my chest. I'm sure he heard my heartbeat beating as loud as ever

"You know," he started saying making me gulp I don't know why "Since the very beginning, I-" he was saying but "Jin hyung is coming,get out" he said with wide eyes

"Wha?" I said confused

"Gogogogogogoooo" he shooed me away to my own bed

I sat on my bed and watched Jungkook as he wrapped the blanket around him and went back to sleep.

Then like 10 seconds later, Jin hyung barged in. "Wake u-" he was about to say, but he cut himself off by saying "aww look at my baby sleeping like an angel" he adored "anyways, breakfast in being served, both of you get dressed and come down okay?"

I nodded, after Jin hyung left. Jungkook jumped out of bed

"How the heck did you know that?" I asked Jungkook who was making his bed

"Know what?" He asked

"The fact that Jin hyung was coming" I said

"I could sense him duh" he said

I rolled my eyes

"Let's go down" I said

He nodded and we went down. We went to the table and saw all of them we already there

"We're here" I said

"Sit down and stuff yourselves" Jin hyung said

We sat and started eating, "so how is everyone liking their room so far?"

"It's horrible!" Hoseok hyung said

"Why?" Jin hyung asked

"I have to share a room with Yoongi hyung, why wouldn't it be horrible!?" He said

"You should be grateful I let you even breathe the same air as me" Yoongi hyung snickered

"You two should really learn to get along" Jin hyung said

"We are getting along" they both said

"Yea right" Rapmoster hyung rolled his eyes

"Anyways,how's sharing a room with Jungkook and Jimin for you, Taewook?" Jin hyung asked me

"It's nice" I said

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