thirty six

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Jungkook was drunk. He went to one of the rooms and got his phone out. He read the messages he wrote to Taehyung but never sent them.
To Taehyung

Tuesday 18:05 pm
You really left?

Wednesday 19:03 pm
Why did you leave? Is it because of me?

Thursday 18:21 pm
How are you doing? Is America nice? The day you were going I followed you to the airport and I saw you with another girl. It broke my heart. But atleast your happy.

Friday 20:28 pm
Do you miss me? I bet you don't.

Saturday 13:09 pm
How are you doing?

Sunday 03:53 am
I'm crying myself to sleep because of you. Don't you feel a little guilty?

Monday 17:04 pm
I miss you more than I'm supposed to

Tuesday 18:37 pm
Why do I still love you?

Wednesday 20:45 pm
Remember the song you sang for me? They played it on the school radio today. It reminded me of you..

Thursday 23:28 pm
Every night before I sleep I wonder if you're thinking of me. Are you? Probably not.

Friday 17:56 pm
We're graduating very soon.. I wish we could graduate together

Saturday 13:37 pm
I tried to cut my self today. I thought it'd hurt but I didn't feel anything. It just felt numb

Sunday 9:35 am
Why am I doing this?

Monday 12:45 pm
Whats wrong with me?

Saturday 15:34 pm
Wow I haven't written to you for probably a week. I must've been busy that I forgot to message you.

Sunday 3:27 am
We're going to graduate tomorrow. Everything is perfect except one thing... You're not going to be there.

Jungkook bitterly laughed at what he wrote since he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing so he press send. He sent all the messages he had written.

But before sending it he wrote one more message

To Taehyung

Tuesday 2:18 am
I miss you so damn fucking much right now hyung (a/n : y u cursing fetus) I finally graduated and you weren't there. I always thought of graduating together. Wouldn't that be nice?  I hope hurting me was worth whatever you wanted. I love you...

And with that Jungkook passed out.

-next day-
"Did he get drunk?"

"My poor baby nooo"

"I told you having alcohol was not a good idea!"

"Did he get laid?"

Jin slapped Yoongi's arm he said that. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes feeling his head hurting like a bitch.

"My babyyy" Jin hugged Jungkook "did you get drunk mister? You are NOT allowed to have alcohol!"

Jungkook started sobbing.

"Yah yah I was just joking stop crying" Jin said

"Look what you did" Jimin and Hoseok said "you made him cry"

"Nono" Jungkook said "I'm just thinking how thankful I am for having such great friends who actually care about me"

"Awwwwwwiiieeeeee" Hoseok cooed "Group hug!!!" He said and squeezed them.

Jungkook laughed then suddenly looked at his phone. His eyes widened when he saw that all the texts he wrote had been sent to Taehyung.

"Fucking shit"

My school starts from tomorrow and Ahdjsiansbsksnoswm. School sucks but gotta live that school life. Gotta gain knowledge and be wise. Lol wut.
ThANk You foR ReadIng🌚 I Love YaLl❤️

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