twenty one

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4 days were left before the talent show, Taehyung , Jungkook , Yoongi , Hoseok and Namjoon had been practicing non stop.

Jimin was still trying to make Jungkook trust him. But failed everytime. Jungkook didn't want to deal with Jimin right now. He just wanted to focus on winning the talent competition.

That day at school the teacher announced a new student will be joining them.

"A new student will be joining us. He's 2 years older but he'll be studying with you since he studied in Switzerland and came to back Korea to study" the teacher said and looked to the door telling the boy to come in

The boy came in and spoke up "Anyoghaseyo, My name is Kim SeokJin. I hope we can all be friends!"

Jungkook immediately smiled as he remembered Jin. He yelled "Jin hyung!" And waved

The teacher gave him a weird look "You know him?" He asked

Jungkook nodded

"Well then Seokjin can go sit next to Jungkook. Jungkook,please show Seokjin around" The teacher said

"How about me?" Taehyung asked

"Uh- Taehyung move up to the front and sit next to Jimin"

Taehyung smirked but faked a pout and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook just smiled and mouthed a "it'll be fine"

Jin sat next to Jungkook and they started taking about random things. Taehyung was wondering how Jungkook knows Jin. Taehyung knows everyone Jungkook knows well almost but he's never seen Jungkook hanging out or talk about Jin.

Jimin hated the fact that he had to sit with that dickhead. He'd rather stab himself than to sit with him. He tried his best to ignore him and surprisingly it wasn't hard since he'd sleep most of the time.
Jungkook showed Jin around the school. Jungkook was showing Jin the arts room and all the drawings he had created. Jin was admiring the drawings and Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at the attarctive older male infront of him. He didn't know that he was staring at Jin when Jin snapped his fingers at his face.

"Hello? Earth to Jungkook." Jin waved

Jungkook slightly flinched "U-yeah"

"I know I'm handsome but stop staring it's uncomfortable" Jin joked

Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes. Then his phone buzzed and it was a text from Taehyung

From Taehubby❤️❤️

Jungkook come to practice

Can I come later

I'm showing Jin around right now

Is he more important ?

The talent competition is in 4 days!

Jungkook was surprised on how Taehyung was acting. Jungkook knew the talent show was near but they've been practicing nonstop and Jungkook is just showing Jin around because the teacher told him to.

Jungkook quickly tapped a reply

I know but the teacher told me to.

And he helped me from serious danger so stop acting like this pls

Jungkook sighed "what's wrong?" Jin asked worriedly

"Oh it's nothing don't worry" Jungkook smiled

But then Jungkook realised way he typed. He had just told Taehyung that Jin helped him from danger and surely Taehyung was going to ask about this 'serious danger'.

Then his phone buzzed.


What danger?

"Oh shit" was all Jungkook could say

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