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Jungkook POV
I woke up in Jimin's bed realising that I fell asleep while we were playing last night.

I went downstairs and saw Jimin cooking. Wait,don't we have to go to school? "Jimin, aren't we late for school" I asked

"Yah! I'm your hyung. And no, today is the teachers meeting so it's holiday." He replied

I stuck my tongue at him playfully. He stuck his tongue back at me.

I just giggled as he placed some pancakes and orange juice and gave it to me. We ate in silence.

I couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung. I know we are over but I just can't. All the words he said really hurt. Drops of tears started to fall as I was thinking what happened.

"Jungkook-ah why are you crying?" Jimin asked me

"N-nothing hyung" I said and sniffed

Jimin could easily see I was lying but I see he shrugged it off.

After we finished eating I went to place my dirty dishes and started to wash them. Then suddenly Jimin came and slapped my hand away." Yah! What are you doing ?" He yelled

"I'm washing the dishes" I shrugged

"No you are not supposed to do that." He said and pulled me to his game room. "Let's play games"

"But the dishes-" I said but he cut me off by saying "forget about that and just play games with me" I nodded

After playing games for 4 hours straight. We started getting hungry.

Jimin had no food exempt ramen so we figured we'd go out.

We went out and first we went to eat something and then do shopping since we needed energy for shopping.

We couldn't choose what restaurant to go to but then we ended up going to McDonald's.

Jimin insisted he wanted to take the orders while I just sit so I sat down at a seat while patiently waiting for Jimin.

Soon later someone with a familiar scent and face entered. I couldn't clearly see him since he had his back turned at me.

The stranger was with a girl. That girl came and sat to the vacant seat next to me. Jimin came with our orders and sat down. "Here~" He beamed

I picked up the burger and was going to eat it when a deep,husky voice spoke up "I got our food baby." The voice said.

I looked up to the person and it was Taehyung.
Our eyes met but he quickly looked away and sat in front of the girl.

The girl then stood up and pecked his lips.

I felt my heart breaking into pieces. My heart hurt. A lot.

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