thirty two

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The next day Jimin had told Jin what Taehyung had done to Jungkook and Jin was of of course mad.

He left his house and went to Jungkook's house but no one answered

'He must already went to school' Jin thought and ran to school

He reached school and saw Jungkook sleeping on his desk. He slowly approached him and caressed his soft fluffy hair

Jimin soon entered and saw Jin. He light smiled and waved

Jungkook slowly fluttered his eyes open and forced a small smile which broke Jin's heart completely.

"Jungkook ah" he said and hugged the younger

"Ayeee hyung I'm not a baby" he laughed with tears in his eyes

Jin softly chuckled


The moment Taehyung enters I will beat that boi up. I waited and waited but no sign of him. The bell rang and the teacher came in.

He was taking the attendance but he didn't call out Taehyung's name. Strange. I thought.

Jimin POV

The teacher didn't call Taehyung's name and Jin hyung was shocked as I was too. He looked at me gave me a questioning look

I raised my hand up "Teacher, you didn't call Taehyung's name"

"Oh ah, From now on Taehyung will not be joining you. He has went to America" The teacher said

My eyes widened. What the heck. Wow. He is suck a coward. Yesterday when he said he was leaving I thought he was just saying but.

It's good he left but what'll happen to Jungkook? Why is he so selfish!?

I looked over to Jungkook and he just had a poker face on.

3rd person POV

For the whole day Jungkook didn't say word.

When they were about to go he saw a car pass by them and Jungkook knew it was Taehyung's car.

He excused himself "You two go ahead I have to go somewhere"

"Where?" Jimin asked "I'll come with you"

"Ah no it's okay. I'll go by myself" Junfkook said and went away

He took the bus to the airport.

Meanwhile Taehyung was ready to go to America.

With Ally.

He got out of the car. Ally held his hand as they walked.

Jungkook reached there too. He was finding Taehyung everywhere but couldn't see him.

He wanted to atleast say bye to him. Even thought the older had hurt him multiple times the younger could never stop loving him no matter how hard he tried to.

He finally saw Taehyung waiting for the plane, he was about to go to him when he saw a familiar girl next to Taehyung holding is hand.

Jungkook stood there looking as she pecked his cheeks and he simply smiled.

Jungkook stood there looking at them. Soon, Taehyung was about to leave to board the plane when he met eyes with Jungkook.

Taehyung POV

I was about to go when I met eyes with familiar round black eyes. It was Jungkook. He came to see me even after all this.

I couldn't look at him anymore I broke the eye contact and left for the departure. My footstpes kept on getting heavier and heavier as i reached the plane

I got on the plane remembering his face. That was the last time I'd ever get to see his face. Would i ever see him ever again? Maybe not. Am i fine with not meeting him or seeing him ever again? Maybe not.

I'm sorry Jungkook ah. I did lots of wrong things. Now, it's time you find a person who treats you like your the most important thing in the world and loves you with all his/her heart . I hope you find a special someone who you can trust with all you heart. I'm sorry for ruining part of your life. (a/n not just a part, you ruined his whole life hoe) I wish I could apologise to you face to face but I'm a big scared coward.

Goodbye Jungkook. Goodbye.

Thank you for reading this book.
Lol no. This is NOT the end of the book. The drama is just about to begin *wink wink*

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