fifty five

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Jungkook POV

Me and Taewook hyung made our way to the goat farm

"Oh my gosh! They're so cute!!" He squealed

"Why do you like them so much?" I asked

"There doesn't have to be a reason to everything Jungkook" he said

"Okay?" I said

We stayed there for quite longer than I expected then Jin hyung called me, I picked it up

Jin : Jungkook where are you?

Me : uh I'm with Taewook hyung

Jin : oh come back here. It's getting late

Me : okay

Jin : mmm come safely

Me : okay bye hyung

Jin : bye

"Hyung," I said "Jin hyung is calling us"

"Aww okay," He said "It was nice spending time with you goatiess"

"Goaties? Wtf?" I thought

"Let's go then" he said

We walked in silence until we reached our destination.

"They're here!" Jimin hyung yelled once he saw us

"Good," Jin hyung said "now there's one more surprise for y'all"

"Moreeeee???" Hoseok hyung awed

"Yes," Jin hyung grinned "You see that beach house there?" We all nodded

"Well...... we're not staying there" Jin hyung said

"Way to bring down our moods" Suga hyung snorted

"Buttttt" Jin hyung continued "you see that beach house there?" He said pointing to a beach house much bigger than the previous one

We all nodded furiously

"We are going to be staying there!" Jin hyung said "for 3 weeks!"

We all awed while Taewook hyung and Hoseok hyung were jumping up and down

"But what about practice?" Jimin hyung suddenly asked

"Jimin, we've been practicing for a whole straight year, without any day off. I think it's fine to take a 3 week vacation" Namjoon hyung said

Jimin hyung nodded

"Now let's head to the beach house!!!!" Jin hyung said

"Wait but we don't have clothes for 3 weeks" Suga hyung mentioned

"Think again" Jin hyung said and opened the door, our luggages we already there in the middle of the house

"Woah" we all said and admired the house. From the outside it looked like a beach house

But inside it looked like a massive mansion. The house had 3 rooms. We couldn't decide how to share rooms so we just went to random rooms one by one.

All of the hyungs chose a room already and I was the last.

I slowly went to a room and knocked. No sound. Without thinking I just opened the door. No one was there.

I looked around and I saw the wardrobe move a little. Interesting. I slowly walked towards the wardrobe and when I was about to open it

The opening was harshly opened up and someone growled "rawwwrrrrrrr" the voice said

I shut my eyes with hands over my ears and looked up to see Taewook hyung laughing hiding his stomach

"Hyuuung" i whined hitting his arm "why did you do that"

He just continued laughing. I frowned and went to sit on the bed.

He stopped and came to me. " okay okay, I'm sorry"

I humphed "jungkookieeee" He said like a kid, pouting

To be honest he looked so adorable!!!

"O-okay okay just stop doing that face" I said

"Yay" he cheered

"So you're my roommate?" I asked

He nodded "I'm satisfied"

"What?" I asked

"I'm satisfied that you're my roommate" He explained

I slightly blushed

"Look at you blushing" he cooed "you so have a crush on me"

"No I do-" i was about to argue but Jin hyung called out to us

We obediently went to the living area

"Okay so all of you know your roommates right?" He said

We all nodded

"But why am I stuck with Yoongi hyung and Jimin!!?" Hoseok hyung said

"You chose the room yourself. Blame yourself horseface" Yoongi hyung snickered

"You two need to stop fighting" Jin hyung said "Jimin, share a room with Taewook and Jungkook"

"But-" Yoongi hyung was about to argue

"No buts. You  and Hoseok will share a room until you stop fighting"

They both rolled their eyes

"Okay, now go back to your rooms and settle down" Rapmonster hyung said

Taehyung/Taewook POV

I placed the last piece of clothing in the wardrobe and sat down strewing my arms.

Jimin went to Yoongi hyung and Hosoek hyung's room to 'see' what Yoongi hyung is doing

While Jungkook was asleep. He must be tired. I sat on the bed and I looked at him letting out soft snores.

I felt tired so I lied next to him. I faced him  and I ran my hands through his soft locks.

He suddenly let out a grunt, pulled my closer and hugged me.

I was taken aback and didn't move an inch. I looked at him  and made a promise to myself

In these 3 weeks,

i HAVE to make him mine.

you broke me » νкσσкजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें