He looked at us and said,

" It was Jihyun. She said Hello." All of them just nodded.

" Now, let's go! I'm hungry!" Tae exclaimed.

We separated in 2 cars, first car, me, Jimin, Tae and Jin hyung. The second was, Namjoon, Suga and Hoseok.

I don't know why but Jimin always clings onto me. It's quite annoying and disturbing but this guy never gives up whenever I pushed him away.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we ordered some food and talked a little bit but I was still curious about them.

" So guys, I'm still curious. Who are you guys?" I asked. All of them suddenly laughed.

" Jungkook, you really don't know?" Jin hyung asked and I shook my head.

" Know what? Are you guys the sons of the President?" They laughed again.

" You know what, sooner or later, you'll know. I think it's better if you don't know. So that we know, you're became our friends not because of our position but for who we are." Jimin said.

I sighed and nodded. This is cruel. I should know.

" I'm here!!!!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned to look and saw Jihyun who was panting while walking towards Jimin.

" Ya, why are you here? Are you crazy?" Jimin asked.

" The party's at night. It's still early and Jimin! Please, come with me!!! I don't want to stuck with those idiots tonight!!!!" She said as she clung onto Jimin's arm.

" Aish! My dad didn't say anything means I can't join!" Jimin retorted.

" But your dad will listen to me, he has to! Please Jimin!!!" She exclaimed. Okay? Jimin's dad have to listen to her? Now, I'm getting more curious! Who the hell is she?

" YA! That's my dad! Give him some respect you brat! Even though you have a higher position than him doesn't mean you don't have to respect him." Jimin scolded her and she pouted.

" It's not like I'll force him or say it rudely. I'll speak to him nicely. Pleasee~!" She pleaded with her puppy eyes. Jimin sighed,

" Fine, but you have to talk to my dad." She grinned and hugged him tightly.

" Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" She beamed. She then let him go and looked at me.

Her smile faded away and fixed her clothes.

" Hey Jungkook." She said.

" Hi. Gosh, you're so whiny." I spat. Didn't mean it though but we've been doing this all the time. She rolled her eyes.

" Whatever. I just said, hi. Why did I even say hi to you? You don't deserve a hi from me because I'm too good for you." She spat and flip her hair.

Gosh, sassy as hell, making me like her even more.

" Pft. Too good for me you say? I never told you to say hi to me." I retorted.

" I was just being nice!" She exclaimed. " But you're an asshole." She said which makes me laughed.

Damn, I like her. I never thought she has this sassy and bad girl attitude. She seems so sweet and nice but I was wrong. She was nice to me when we first met and she was a jerk to other guys but now I'm one of those guys. She was being a jerk to me now and I like it.

I don't know why but I like this kind of girls. They are nice but at the same time, being a jerk. She was like playing hard to get. At first, she'll started a conversation in a nice way but when I replied coldly, she'll get into the bad girl mode and started to play hard to get.

" I didn't ask you to do so." I smirked.

" You know what, don't you ever talk to me. You always annoys me whenever we talk." She said and sat between Jin and Suga. I laughed and nodded.

" I'm very good at that. Let's see if you can handle not talking to me." I smirked.

The others was just looking at us.

" You guys are not even a couple but you guys are acting like one when they are arguing." Namjoon said.

" We are not and never will. He's a jerk and I don't like him. I rather date Suga oppa who are known as the jerk of the group but Jungkook is worst than him. He's the biggest jerk." She spat.

I laughed, knowing that she was annoyed but it's cute.

" Princess Jihyun!" Someone yelled. What the hell?

End of chapter 6

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