Chapter 20 - Group Hug

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A/N: ÿöü sück (jüst kïddïng)

"Thank you, mom! Thank you!" Jerome exclaimed.

"Come here, Charlotte. You want a hug?" Mrs. Aceti asked. I nodded, smiling.

"Thank you really. Now I gotta bail everyone else out." I said, chuckling.

"No need, Charlotte. Taken care of." Mr. Aceti said.

"Who wants a hug?" Mitch ran into the room, with Danielle under his arm, and Preston and Mat following them. "Hold up, the Aceti's, Dyke's, and Frieda's first!" He said, enveloping everyone in a hug. After we untangled ourselves, I glanced at Natalie.

"Mrs. Aceti, can we bail her out too?" I asked and gestured to her.

"Natalie?" Jerome asked, and everyone turned to look at her. She took her head out of her hands and looked up at all of us. She smiled weakly.

"I messed up." She said and stood up.

"We're bailing her." Mr. Aceti said. Does he not recognize Jerome's ex-girlfriend?

"Alright." the officer said. "Is that all you're bailing?" Mr. and Mrs. Aceti nodded. "Wait, hold on a moment. I have to escort someone else." He walked away. Another officer walked up. I looked through the arch, and I saw a girl with błonde hair wałking by. She too łooked through the arch, and she scowłed at me. Katrina. I hit Jerome on the arm. He looked at me, and I pointed to her.

"Heh." He chuckled. "I'm glad she's in jail."

"Wait, what?"

"She was a total bitch to me. I stopped liking her after our second date." I mentally sighed. I held my breath when I saw her still staring at me. Danielle saw, and she just shook her head. I let the carbon dioxide flow out of my mouth and my nose.

"Miss Dyke?"


"Social Services would like to have a word with you."

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