Chapter 4

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I awoke abruptly due to a hangover. Red Lobster with Jerome, Mitch, and Danielle turned into a house party in God-knows-where.

I gathered a new set of clothes, and walked to the bathroom Jerome and I shared. I stripped down from my clothes from the previous night, and hopped in the lukewarm water. I let the water cascade down my body, and I grabbed some strawberry shampoo. My head was pounding.

To be honest, I don't really remember a lot that happened after we went to that party. Red Lobster was a success, and I ordered some shrimp scampi. Who knows, I might have even threw it all up a few hours later.

After a few minutes, I got out and dried myself off. I dressed in my clothes and Danielle walked in, fully dressed and looking replenished. How does she do it?

"Well, the boys left."

"Oh, great." I combed through my wet hair. "Want to go to the mall and shop for some stuff? We can invite Maya."

Maya is a local friend of ours who we loved very dearly.

"I'll text her." I nodded and we hurriedly left, wasting no time.


"One tall mocha frappuchino, please."

"That'll be $5.99." I opened my wallet, and set the money on the counter. The barista gave me the frappuchino.  She was really pretty! And she seemed really nice, so I introduced myself.

"I'm Charlotte Dyke, and those two girls over there are my best friends, Maya Lawson and Danielle Frieda." She smiled at me as she got back to work. When she had time, she spoke up again.

"I'm Ariel Gonzalez." Gorgeous name.

"Hey, when do you get off of work?" I asked.

"In about thirty minutes, why?" She continued to make the coffee for her customers.

"Well maybe you'd like to hang out with my friends and I?"

"That'd be great!" Ariel smiled.

"Okay, we'll be over waiting for you when you're done." I returned to my seat, keeping an eye on Ariel.


A half an hour later, Ariel clocked out and we drove back to Jerome and I's place. She didn't want to be in her work clothes while we were relaxing, so I lent her some of my clothes to wear.

We asked her if she wanted to spend the night, and she gladly accepted after she let her mom and dad know about where she was.

When we returned downstairs, the smell of bacon hit me like a tidal wave. I was guessing that the guys came back and had started to make some food.

I groaned when I saw another two of our friends, Mat and Preston. Where did they come from? "Don't tell me it's a 'bro' night."

"Why yes, yes it is!" They laughed. "Who's this?"

"Hi, I'm Ariel!" She introduced herself. Everyone said hello and for a second, we all stood awkwardly.

I looked at Mat. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of her.

Clearing my throat, I asked them if they wanted to go look at the stars in a nearby field, just because we all had nothing better to do. Agreeing, they finished cooking the bacon and we packed it up to take with us to eat.

After grabbing a few blankets, we all headed to the field, spending the night with each other, sitting and talking about our lives.

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