Chapter 13 - Camping Witchaboi

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A/N: shit its been like a week

"Here!" I exclaimed. "Fresh air! Trees! Nature! No computers! No recording! No editing! Freedom!" I ran out of the car, climbing trees and scouting the area. Trees and a dirt road. Somebody shook the tree next to me, and I nearly fell off. I turned to the dude I call my boyfriend (or whatever) and kissed him. It wasn't heated, or passionate. Just short and sweet. His lips make you want more. I looked out at the view, the sun already starting to set, the oranges and reds all coming together.

"Hey lovebirds, get down from the tree and help us set up the tent!" Preston called. I carefully climbed down the tree, and hopped safely on the ground, Jerome hopping next to me.

"Why don't we sleep in a tree?" Maya asked. "That tree looks safe to suspend a tent from." She pointed to this huge oak tree, with all of the branches leaning out of the trunk, making a small platform from the trunk. It looked really cool to sleep in.

"Yeah," Mitch said. "Looks safe, and plus we'll be sleeping in a tree. It's cool." Everybody nodded, and walked over to the tree.

"Okay, Lottie–" Preston started.

"Wait, why are you in charge?" Ariel said.

"Because I know how to make a tent setup perfect."

"Have you been camping for a month with no civilization?" Ariel asked.

"No, but–"

"Then let the girls do it. I bet they have more experience with tent setups than you, Prissy." Ariel said. Dani and I climbed the tree, and Ariel and Maya handed it to us before climbing the tree too.

"Okay." Ariel said. "Tie the straps down to the branches, and then set up the rods through the fabric." I tied a knot to the branch with the fabric, and grabbed a rod from the bag and pushed it into the fabric and secured it. The tree was huge, and so was the tent. The boys acted like it was nothing and tried to play it cool. It was turning really dark, so we grabbed our stuff from the cars and took them up to the tent. I set down my sleeping bag, as did everyone else. I layed next to Jerome, while everybody grumbled about who they were next to.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight." Everyone managed to say before we all passed out.


I awoke to the nudging and giggling of my friends, staring at Ariel and Mat, trying not to laugh. Ariel had her head nuzzled into Mat's neck, and he had his arms around her waist. The opening was open, and I was right near the edge, not trying to fall off. I grabbed my Polaroid and snapped a picture, but then I saw Maya. She looked mad, almost jealous of Mat and Ariel. I sat next to Maya, nudging her.


"It's just–I'm jealous of them cuddling. It's infuriating seeing them together like this. Its obvious that Mat likes Ariel, and Ariel likes Mat. I should just give up."

"If you really like him, go and talk to Mat alone. Show him your feelings."

"Thanks, Lot. I really appriciate it." She smiled weakly, and and turned to the noise of Mat screaming and holding up the Polaroid picture I took.

"Was I really doing that?"

A/N: the character contest ends on the 8th.

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