Chapter 7 - Beastmode Buttcheeks

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Jerome and I arrived at the body, and I was extremely cold.

"You cold?" Jerome asked.

"No, you dipshit, I'm flaming hot." I said with a tone of sarcasm.

"You got that right." He winked at me.

"Hey guys!" Preston came running over with Ariel, who had both arms covering her small figure. "Where's everybody else?"

"The world may never know."

"So basically, it's just us four, with a dead body, off the grid, we don't know where the rest of them are, we have videos to make, and we don't know where we parked our vehicles, and we still have our paintball gear and our paintball stuff on us. Can you say 'end of our lives'?"

"End of our lives."



"Don't call me that."




"Guys!" Jerome said. I scowled at Prissy, and stood by Ariel.

"Men these days." I said.

"I know right? They're so rude!"




"Biggums!" I recognized those 4 voices from miles away, even though we were feet apart. My best friends, all here with me. I faced them, everyone of them racing towards us. It felt like 5 days since the last time I saw them, yet it was only an hour. I didn't know how much I love them. We all got into a big group hug, me in the middle.

"You idiots!" I hollered, with a chuckle from everyone. "Get off of me!" They only squeezed harder, which made us laugh harder, which resulted in us falling on the dead guy. Everybody was still laughing, which made me feel better. I sure love my friends.


We finally got home, and everybody had stayed over for the last two nights. Obviously because there was 8 of us.. well, you can put two and two together. It was the same pairs of two when we had gone hunting for our cars.

"Why not?" Ariel whined. I chuckled, and kept playing Minecraft. "You're just a wuss, Preston."

"Am not!"

"Are too!" I paused the game, and walked over to the area of the shouts.

"What are you guys fighting about?"

"Preston won't play the game with me."

"What game?"

"Cry Of Fear."

"Prissy, you are such a wimp."

"Shut up, Lolttie. I refuse to play it with her because my swag is on the top of the scale and hers is not." He said, defending himself.

"Wow, even more of a reason to call you a wuss." Ariel muttered.

"Okay," I said. "Preston, you play Cry of Fear with Ariel and she'll play whatever you want to play after."

"No!" Ariel and Prissy said at the same time.

"He's such a arrogant bitch."

"She's such a bitchy loser."

"And to think I shipped you," I shed a fake tear. "And to think I shipped you two!" I said, with multiple fake tears were dripping out of my eyes. "Prariel was real!" I sobbed, running out of the room.


I downed another shot of patron, laughing at my friends.

"Okay! Time to play the embarrassing secrets game!" Danielle yelled.

"What the hell is the embarrassing secrets game?"

"Where you tell embarassing secrets that only one other person knows about." She replied, seitting down next to Mitch and Kelsy. I sat next to Jerome and one of my friends, Lydia.

"Okay, Lottie! You go first!" Danielle said.

"Um, okay," I said, blushing. "Jerome has seen me naked. Of course not from the front side.. that's another story.." I said, blushing.

"And," Danielle piped up. "You have to tell us the story!"




It was my 16th birthday and I had just picked out what to wear. A denim cardigan, a pink tank top, black skinny jeans, and Converse. I was just getting out of my pajamas, when I heard my mom talking to someone.

"Go on, she's probably brushing her teeth or something." I heard her say. Footsteps on the stairs. Currently, my attire was panties. I slid them off, in attempt to get at least more than panties on.

Achievement NOT unlocked.

They opened the door to my bare ass, and I panicked. I covered myself with a towel, turning around to see who it was.


"What the fuck, dude?"

"I didn't know you were changing!"

"Was that just an excuse to see my naked ass?"


"I remember that," Jerome said. "I thought about it all during school, the urge to not slap that booty was really hard."

"Jerome!" I said. I must've turned really red, because everybody snickered at me. "So you're saying that you liked my buttcheeks?"

"Very much, yes."

"Beastmode buttcheeks!"

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