Chapter 17 - Tis Alright, Biggums

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"Well, looks like you guys are all set!" Nurse Amber said, smiling. I returned the smile, and Jerome and I walked out on our crutches. To be honest, it was even harder with the broken arm.

"Dani! Please help me!" I whined. She walked over to me, and put my arm on her shoulder. "The hell, woman? Pick me up, not help me walk!" She groaned and picked me up by my bad leg. I cringed, and held on to her neck.

We walked to the car and she dropped me in the back seat, and Jerome hopped in next to me. I pecked his lips, but instead of casual pecking, my lips stuck to his. He didn't pull away, nor did I, but y'know. After like a minute or something of smooching, I pulled away.

"I would totally do all the traditonal 'wrap legs around waist and arms around neck' thing, but I don't think you want all of my casts and heavy shit on top of your body." I smiled.

"Tis alright, biggums." He pecked me (this time my lips not sticking to his) and I sat back and pulled on my seat belt.

"So how was hot sex with Mitch?" I asked Dani.

"We didn't have hot sex, Char." She blushed darkly, and I couldn't help but laugh as she kept her eyes on the road.

"Maybe not hot sex," Jerome butted in. "But sex."

"I call that, a hot topic," I laughed. Dani chuckled too, and before you knew it, all three of us were laughing so hard that I thought we were going to get in a car crash again.

"Shut up!" She blushed even more.

"No can do. After you start the machine, you can't stop it. I had a dream about living in Kanye West's house once. Twas epic, with like robots and spiders chasing after me after I got out of a factory." I sat back. "I heard you two. Must've accidentally hit your number 9 on speed dial, when you were gripping the table, hon. Busted." I laughed.

I bumped my hand on the door, and I had a searing pain shoot through me. I looked at my wrist, puzzled. My heart literally stopped. I ran my fingers over the scars, the dark marks (vote if you knew that singular reference), and tears welled up. Not right now, I thought. Not now. My heart was beating in my chest, and all I could hear whas the sound of my heartbeat. I don't know why this was such a big deal, though. I didn't know. I guess cutting was a big chunk of my life. Why did I even start in the first place? I'm actually really confused right now. I mean, I know why I started, when I started, what I cut with, and other random jizz. But why am I overreacting? Why now?

"Char! Charlotte! We're here! At home! You have to pack! We're leaving in.." Dani checked her watch. I kinda zoned out. Still kinda confused. "A few minutes! Pack some clothes and stuff! Hurry!" She said, ushering me out of the car and into Jerome and my house. Excited to leave to Vegas, I happily smiled and got ushered in.

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