Chapter 16 - No Can Do

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A/N: I watch Jewel from OpTic stream Black Ops. Here's her Twitch!

"Excuse me," Preston cleared his throat. "Amber, Nurse Amber, is there anything you can do for Ariel Gonzalez?"

"Well," Nurse Amber trailed. "She's not dead, as you think, she's just in a coma. The doctor says she might have a chance of losing memory, but she's not dead." I put a smile on my face. Ariel wasn't dead! Now I could celebrate when she wakes up with everyone! Everyone. I can't just move on. Maya was my best friend since the fourth grade, and I can't accept the fact that she left me. She was right. She didn't deserve the things that I did to her.

"Hey Amber, when am I getting out?" I asked. I needed to see Maya.

"Well since you demanded an earlier time than a week, the doctor said in 3-4 days." I groaned. Fuck. Guess I'm staying here.

"So Saturday?"


"Alrighty. What do you guys have to eat?" I asked.

"Well, here's the menu." She handed the menus to Jerome and I. I browsed the choices of foods, and came to my choice.

"A fruit cup will be fine." I said, folding the menu back and handing it to her. Jerome ordered the same thing, and Nurse Amber left. Mat walked in, with a smile on his face.

"I have something to tell you guys." Preston said nervously. "I like Ariel."

"I'm sorry, what?" Danielle asked.

"I like Ariel." He said.

"Really?" Mitch asked. "You like Ariel?"

"Yeah. But my first impression wasn't very good on her." He chuckled. "Seeing her with you," He pointed to Mat. "Broke my heart."

"Yes! I called it, I called–"

"Hello?" Nurse Amber said. "Here's your fruit cups." I nodded and dug in. I spat it out, grabbing a napkin and wiping my tongue.

"What the hell was that?" I asked. I was cleaning the remains of the fruit up from my gown.

"What do you mean, what the hell was that?" Jerome asked, spooning more fruit and juice into his mouth.

"Why did the fruit cup taste so bad?"

"I like it."

"Oh well, I guess I don't." I said. "Dani, can you throw these away for me?" She nodded, and grabbed the napkin and cup from me and dumped it in the trash.

"Biggums, are you still going to Vegas with me?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah buddy! That's in.." Jerome trailed off. I looked at my watch. "Tomorrow."

"But Team Crafted–"


"2 days–"

"Not good hospital food–"


"Well, sorry."

"I have to get a earlier date to leave. Adam, Quentin, and Ian are gonna have to wait if we don't get out earlier." Jerome said.

"Call for Amber again, Prissy. I need an earlier date to get out." I said. I wanted to pace around but no, a broken arm, sprained ankle, and a broken leg. How am I supposed to explain this to my mom and sister? Eh. We'll figure it out.

"Hi, it's that dude from room 194. Yeah, the two people want an earlier release date. Yeah, yeah, I know, but they need an earlier relese date. Um, okay." Preston hung up. "No can do."


"No can do. What do you not understand about no?"

"Well, it's either we reschedule, or they come to New Jersey. They pick. Can you hand me the phone, Mitch?"

"The actual phone or the hospital–"

"The actual phone, dumbass."

"Oh, alright." He handed me Danielle's phone, and I called Adam.




"No fucker, it's me, Lottie." I put it on speaker, so everyone could hear.

"Oh. What's up?"

"Welp, basically, all of us are in the hospital."

"What happened?"

"Well, there was a bear, we had to get our stuff, Preston went one way and I went another, I tried to parkour, and fell. I broke my leg, Jerome, our other friend, Dani, and I were driving to the hospital, got in a car crash, I sprained my ankle, broke my leg, and broke my arm, our other friend is in a coma, Dani sprained her wrist and broke her collarbone and arm, Jerome broke his arm and leg, and yeah."

"Oh. So are you coming to Vegas?"

"I don't know. We can't get an earlier date to leave, and barely any of us can walk." I said. "It's either we resecdule or you guys come to New Jersey." I heard a ring, and Preston walked away.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Preston said. "You can now get out on Sunday."

"That makes no sense. Sunday is later than the earlier release date."

"Ugh, the little shit!"

"Just come on Sunday," he sighed. "Quentin, Ian, and I will be waiting."

"Alright, bye!"

"Bye, Lottie!" I hung up and handed the phone back to Danielle.

"Looks like were stuck here."

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