Chapter 2

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I sat there and cried, blood trickling down my arm. I just want it to be over. I got my phone and went on Twitter. Death threat, death threat, death threat. All of them because I'm Jerome's friend. They feel threatened by my presence.

I tried to find one, just one, that could help me, make me feel better about myself. But there was none. It's a lost cause.

"Lottie?" I looked up at Jerome, eyes full of confusion at the situation in front of him. "What's going on?" I stared at him, but didn't bother to speak. The situation explained itself.

"Jerome –"

"No, Lottie, tell me what's going on." I refused to let him see what I had done to myself, so I just sat there, hiding my wrists. He walked over from the doorway, flicking the light switch and illuminating my bedroom. He sat next to me, observing my wet face and bloody wrists. I flinched as he looked at where I had just cut myself. He bent over and kissed the marks, looking me in the eyes as he did so.

"Why?" He asked. "Who?" I pointed to the phone and shuddered. He comforted me, playing with my hair and brushing his fingers on my arm.

It made me think about what we could be. What our lives would be like if we were together, a couple. So much better than this, I thought. And then I fell asleep.


I woke up, thinking I would see Jerome somewhere, but he had vanished from the room. I got up and changed, before walking down the stairs.

"Jerome, when will you just face the fact that Lottie is better than anyone else you could ever possibly want? I should be at your house soon with Danielle. We'll catch an Uber." I heard Mitch, Jerome's best friend say, and then another voice, this time of my best friend, Danielle Freida.

"Yeah, I think we should go on a double date.. if you ever come to your senses and realize that she is the one for you. Hey Mitch!" I heard a muffled greeting, so that meant that they must've found each other at the airport.

"The only problem is I don't want to break her heart. I'm scared I'll fuck something up." Jerome shook his head. "I don't know."

"You won't." Danielle sighed. "Take a chance, for us, Jerome." They all said their goodbyes, even though we were going to see them really soon. I heard him get up, so I ran up the stairs, and got into bed. I scrolled through Twitter, trying to act inconspicuous.

"Lottie! Hey, you're awake." I looked up, and Jerome was standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame. So effortlessly sexy.

I mumbled a hi, and walked over to my computer, which was conveniently in my bedroom. Jerome walked over from the door and pulled up a chair next to me. I flinched when he put a hand on my shoulder. I was thinking about what Danielle and Mitch said to him, wondering if he was genuinely considering going for me. I was looking into his eyes, being vulnerable and showing my true colors. That's always how it was around Jerome. He is my best friend, after all. Before anything else.

"Can I.. will you let me try something?" My facial expression read confused, but I lightened up and nodded my head yes. What was he going to do?

I swear he was staring into my soul. This moment was so.. intimate. I had never shared one like this with Jerome. It was different, and I really liked it.

He leaned in, and kissed me, soft and sweet. Our lips seemed to move so perfectly together, so amazingly euphoric it felt like I was dreaming. I felt like I was sitting on a pink cloud, drinking a Cosmopolitan with Cupid. And I loved the feeling.

We pulled away. I was breathing super hard because I'm so nervous. Our foreheads rested on each others, and I'm pretty sure he could hear how fast my heart is beating.

Only Jerome, I thought with a smile. Only he could make me feel like this.

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