Chapter 15 - No, But Yes

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A/N: Through writing this whole chapter, I listened to the PewDiePie Dubstep and Illusions Continuous Mix by Approaching Nirvana :) Inspiration is key.

I laid there, for who knows how long, and my god, was the pain bad.

I momentarily shook it off, but yet it came back.

"Ow! Jesus Christ! How far are we from the hospital?" I said, gritting my teeth. I also bit my lip to the point of bleeding.

"Shut up, Lottie! You sound like you're giving birth!"

"Well sorry, I broke my leg and it hurts!" I wailed. "This wouldn't have happened if we just went to Point Pleasant!"

"You didn't suggest it!" Jerome said.

"I was going to, but we were in a rush and–"

"So you're saying this is my fault?"

"No, I like going camping, but Point Pleasant would have been nice." I said.

"So you didn't like the idea?" He asked,

"I did, but I had no idea what I was in for!" I screamed. I heard rubber against road, and saw a blinding picture of headlights.

We're done for.


I awoke, to bright lights. I tried to cover my eyes, but something was holding it back. I turned away from the lights, and saw faces. I looked at my arm, and bam! Covered in IV's. I turned back to the people. Every single one of them had tears in their eyes. No doubt something in my body ached.

"What?" I asked. "What the hell? Is my leg fixed?" I asked. Danielle nodded, but the tears were still streaming out of her eyes.

"I could've helped.." She whimpered. I remember a little of what happened.

"Shut up Lottie! You sound like you're giving birth!"

"Well sorry, I broke my leg and it hurts!" I wailed. "This wouldn't have happened if we just went to Point Pleasant!"

"You didn't suggest it!" Jerome said.

"I was going to, but we were in a rush and–"

"So you're saying this is my fault?"

"No, I like going camping, but Point Pleasant would have been nice." I said.

"So you didn't like the idea?" He asked.

"I did, but I had no idea what I was in for!" I screamed. I heard rubber against road, and headlights. I heard the sound of glass shattering. People rushing towards me. I lay there, in even more pain than ever, and I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face. I don't even know what happened. We were fucking driving and Jerome and I started a shit storm and I don't know. Was it the other car who hit us, or was it vice versa? So many thoughts.

And I blacked out.


"I don't understand.. what could you have fixed?" I asked.

"Ariel.. Ariel.." She fell in a heap on the ground, and Mitch comforted her. I could hear the sobs.. ever so slightly. Ariel.. Ariel.. was she dead? No, no, no!

"No!" I yelled. "No.. she can't be! Why?" My vision was blurry, the hot tears were landing on my hospital gown. A nurse walked in. "What the fuck? Take these fucking IV's off of me!"

"Miss Dyke–"

"Don't fucking 'Miss Dyke' me! Get these fucking things off of me!" I yelled. The warm drops of water were coming down at a faster pace soaking my gown. "I want to leave!"

"Miss Dyke, you have a sprained ankle, a broken arm and a broken leg. You can't leave until next week."

"What the hell? Can't I leave earlier?"

"Calm down, Charlotte." Maya said.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! My friend just died, I'm fucking injured to the point where I can't walk, and my boyfriend..." I trailed off. Jerome. No, no no, he can't be dead. My best friend, my boyfriend, my love.. this is fucking bullshit. I can't take this. He can't be dead, and neither can Ariel. I refuse to believe that she is dead. "I'm sorry.. I shoudn't of snapped."

"No," Maya said. "All these years, I put up with your bullshit, and you've never snapped at me once! I would do anything for you, Lottie, and you treat me like this?" She said, tears flowing out of her eyes. "Rememeber when you almost got me killed? Yeah, when you fucking pushed me off of a fucking fence and I broke my nose, my leg, and my arm? Yeah, and when you saw sharks and pushed me off of the boat? I almost died, Lottie! And what did I deserve? Nothing! Because I haven't done anything to you! I'm done with your bullshit, Lottie. I'm done." She walked out of the room and just left Preston, Danielle, Mitch, and I.

"Please call for the nurse, Preston. I want to see Jerome, that is if he's even alive." I said dryly. He picked up the hospital phone.

"Hello, um, my friend Charlotte Dyke in Room 320 would like to see the persons in Room 194. Thanks." He hung up, and I waited for the nurse to come and roll me out of the room. She eventually came, pushing me out of the door with everyone helping. I was so nervous. I was wheeled into the elevator, and down to the 2nd floor. I looked at the room numbers. 200, 199, 198, 197, 196, 195, 194.

Here goes nothing.


I shut my eyes really tight, and I opened them when Danielle gave a cry of joy, Mitch whispered 'thank you', and Preston muttered something along the lines of 'thank the lord'. I cried at the sight.

"Thank god!" I screamed, tears spilling out. Jerome was alive, eyes open, but still full of tears.

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